One of the most important aspects of the world of PlaneShift are the Non-Player Characters (NPCs). They are intelligent beings controlled by the game itself. They can speak, move, sell and buy objects, fight, sleep, perform a job and so on. NPCs are the primary means for your character to get quests. With some NPCs, it may be as easy as saying “Give me a quest”, whereas with others, you may have to talk to them for a while to find out what their problems are, so you can offer to solve them. NPCs may sometimes give you items to use in quests, or may require that you give them an item to complete a quest. You can use the normal trading process to do this. While speaking to NPCs you should try to use natural language, as if you were speaking to a player, while keeping your phrases simple. So a question like: “quest” doesn't mean anything. If you want to ask for a quest you should say: “Give me a quest, please” or something similar. So how do you know what to talk to NPCs about? Well, a lot of the fun and discovery in PlaneShift is finding out! Before you can interact with an NPC, you must have them targeted. To target an NPC, click on them with your middle mouse button, or press F8 to target the nearest NPC. Press F8 repeatedly to cycle through the nearest NPCs. When you have successfully targeted an NPC, you will see his or her name and hit points displayed in your Status Window. Use the Say button in your Chat Window to talk to the NPC once they are targeted. Press Escape to stop targeting an NPC. When dealing with an NPC you should remember that he or she will normally answer standard questions such as:
You should use one word answers only when the NPC formulates a direct question such as: “Do you want a sword or an axe”? In this case you should answer either “sword” or “axe”. NPCs are the best way to get quests. They can ask you to discover something, to bring an item, to perform a task. When you receive a quest, it will appear in your Quest Log. By publishing on the web quest solutions you are lowering the realism of the game and you are spoiling the fun of other people. We are not against players teaming up and giving hints to each other, but we think that this should be done in game, with role-playing. Having a web page that simply list what to do to achieve more money and experience in less time should be considered something against the role-playing aspect of the game. What you can do is to join a Guild or Group and share information with other members, possibly depending on their rank. You may also accept in your own guild players that have at least completed a certain number of quests to prove their dedication to the game. Alternatively, you can use quest completion as a benchmark for promoting players within your own guild. |