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1.2.8. Common Application Buttons

A set of common buttons appear throughout xTuple ERP. They are usually located to the far right side of the screen. They can be activated by a single mouse click, or by the use of associated keyboard shortcuts. The following descriptions explain some of the more common application buttons found within xTuple ERP:


Closes the screen you are currently working on, without saving any information you may have entered. Returns you to the previous screen.


Works the same way as the CLOSE button.


Inserts a highlighted list item into a requesting field. The use of the SELECT button is illustrated in the example. In this Bill of Materials example, you would highlight an Item in the searchable master list of Items and then hit SELECT. The Item would then be automatically entered into the "Item Number" field on the Bill of Materials screen. You may bypass the SELECT button by double-clicking on a highlighted list item.


Allows editing of information displayed on screen.


Opens a read-only view of information displayed on screen.


Saves any information you have entered and stores it in the xTuple Database.


Sends the contents of a screen or report to your default printer, assuming you have a default printer assigned to your work station.