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Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. Getting Started
1.1.1. Log In Options
1.1.2. Exit the Application
1.2. Application Fundamentals
1.2.1. Browse Button
1.2.2. Right-Click Options
1.2.3. Column Memory
1.2.4. Check Box Memory
1.2.5. Screen Position/Size Memory
1.2.6. Drag-and-Drop
1.2.7. Keyboard Shortcuts
1.2.8. Common Application Buttons

Welcome to the Reference Guide (formerly User Guide) for xTuple Enterprise Resource Planning! This Reference Guide is designed as a screen-by-screen reference for anyone using any of the following xTuple ERP applications:


If you are looking for more detailed user or developer documentation, you can find that and more in the xTuple wiki featured on xTuple's community website.

Since all three applications share a common code base, it makes sense that they also share a Reference Guide. Manufacturing Edition contains features Standard Edition does not, and Standard Edition contains features that PostBooks does not. To highlight these differences, we have placed indicators in the Reference Guide. Whenever you see one of these markers, you'll know the functionality you're reading about exists in Manufacturing or Standard Edition but not in PostBooks.

For more information on the differences between the xTuple ERP, including licensing options, please visit