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5.2.8. Add Comment to Purchase Order

To add a Comment to a Purchase Order, select the "Add Comment to Purchase Order" option. The following screen will appear:

Purchase Order Comments

When adding Comments related to a Purchase Order, you are presented with the following options:


Display lists Comments for the specified Purchase Order.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Opens screen for creating a new Comment.


Highlight a Comment and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the Comment.

To create a new Purchase Order Comment, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create New Comment
Comment Type

Specify one of the following Comment Types from the drop-down list: ChangeLog or General. Comment Types are used to categorize Comments. Once you have specified a Comment Type, you may type your Comment in the main text area. The text area features word-wrapping and scroll-bar support for longer Comments.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without creating a new Comment, returning you to the previous screen.


Creates the Comment and adds it to the list of Purchase Order Comments.