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Chapter 6. Manufacture Module

Table of Contents

6.1. Work Order
6.1.1. Create New Work Order
6.1.2. Explode Work Order
6.1.3. Implode Work Order
6.1.4. Release Work Orders by Planner Code
6.1.5. Close Work Order
6.1.6. Reprioritize Work Order
6.1.7. Reschedule Work Order
6.1.8. Change Work Order Quantity
6.2. Materials
6.2.1. Create W/O Material Requirement
6.2.2. Maintain W/O Material Requirements
6.3. Operations
6.3.1. Create W/O Operation
6.3.2. Maintain W/O Operations
6.4. Transactions
6.4.1. Issue Material
6.4.2. Return Material
6.4.3. Scrap W/O Material from W/O
6.4.4. Shop Floor Workbench
6.4.5. Post Operation
6.4.6. Correct Operations Posting
6.4.7. Post Production
6.4.8. Correct Production Posting
6.4.9. Close Work Order
6.4.10. Post Miscellaneous Production
6.5. Forms
6.5.1. Print Traveler
6.5.2. Print Pick List
6.5.3. Print Routing
6.5.4. Print Work Order Form
6.5.5. Print Production Entry Sheet
6.6. Reports
6.6.1. Work Order Schedule
6.6.2. Work Order Status
6.6.3. Material Requirements
6.6.4. Inventory Availability by Work Order
6.6.5. Pending W/O Material Availability
6.6.6. Operations
6.6.7. W/O Operation Buffer Status by Work Center
6.6.8. Production Time Clock
6.6.9. History
6.6.10. Job Costing
6.6.11. Material Usage Variance
6.6.12. Labor Variance
6.6.13. Breeder Distribution Variance
6.6.14. Open Work Orders
6.7. Utilities
6.7.1. Purge Closed Work Orders

In this chapter, we describe the Manufacturing module. This is the module where Work Orders are created, maintained, and executed. A Work Order is an authorization to perform manufacturing activities. The following topics will be covered: