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6.4.10.  Post Miscellaneous Production

In repetitive manufacturing environments where production is continuous, the option to post miscellaneous production can be a useful feature. It can also be a useful feature for shops where disassembling manufactured Items is required. To post miscellaneous production, select the "Post Miscellaneous Production" option. The following screen will appear:

Post Miscellaneous Work Order Production


If you want to disassemble a manufactured Item and return the component Items to Inventory, simply enter a negative quantity for the manufactured Item. Posting negative miscellaneous Production effectively reverses the Production process.

When posting miscellaneous production, you are presented with the following options:

Item Number

Enter the Item Number of the Item you want to post miscellaneous production for.


Inventory Unit of Measure.


Select to identify Work Order as Assembly order.


Select to identify Work Order as Disassembly order.


Specify Site Location for selected Item.

Qty. to Post

to Post: Enter the quantity of production you want to post. This field will accept negative numbers for disassembly purposes.

Document #

Creates a user-defined reference for the miscellaneous production. The document number will be posted with the General Ledger (G/L) transaction record when the miscellaneous production is generated. This field may be used for internal tracking and auditing purposes.


Select to indicate that the material requirements indicated by the associated Work Order Material Requirement record should be issued to the selected Work Order regardless of the issue method associated with these requirements.

Issue Items not on Pick List

Select to indicate that non-Pick List Items should be backflushed as well.


This is a scrolling text field with word-wrapping for entering Comments related to the miscellaneous production posting.

Immediate Transfer to Site

Select to transfer miscellaneous production to specified Site. Specify the Site you want to transfer production to.


Miscellaneous Production may not be posted for Breeder Items.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without posting the miscellaneous production, returning you to the application desktop.


Posts the production for the selected Item in the specified quantity.