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Chapter 7. CRM Module

Table of Contents

7.1. Incident
7.1.1. New Incident
7.1.2. Incident Workbench
7.2. To-Do
7.2.1. New To-Do List Item
7.2.2. To-Do List
7.2.3. Calendar List
7.3. Project
7.3.1. Create New Project
7.3.2. List Projects
7.4. Opportunity
7.4.1. New Opportunity
7.4.2. List Opportunities
7.5. Reports
7.5.1. Order Activity by Project
7.5.2. Incidents by CRM Account
7.5.3. To-Do List Items by User and Incident
7.6. Account
7.6.1. New CRM Account
7.6.2. List CRM Accounts
7.6.3. Search for CRM Account
7.7. Contact
7.7.1. New Contact
7.7.2. List Contacts
7.7.3. Search for Contact
7.8. Address
7.8.1. New Address
7.8.2. List Addresses
7.9. Master Information
7.9.1. Titles
7.9.2. Incident
7.9.3. Opportunity
7.9.4. Characteristics

The CRM Module organizes all of your contacts in one central location. This ideal setup eliminates the need for duplicate entries when an account has multiple classifications (i.e., a customer who is also a vendor) or when a contact is associated with more than one entity.

Initially, you categorize Accounts as either an Organization or Individual. Then identify the Accounts as a Customer or Prospect, and further define them as a Vendor, Partner and/or Competitor as needed. Additional functionality is available when various classifications are selected.

From CRM you can Manage Incidents, Create To-Do's, Monitor Projects and Track Opportunities. You have the ability to create stand alone To-Do's or associate To-Do's with Incidents and Opportunities.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter: