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7.2.2.  To-Do List

To access the To-Do List, select the "To-Do List" option. The following screen will appear:

To-Do List


Black type indicates the To-Do has been completed—or it is due on the current day. Red To-Dos are late. Green To-Dos are not yet due.

All Users

Select to display To-Do List items for all users.

Selected User

Select user whose To-Do List items you want to display.


Enter a user pattern to select a range of users.

Only Start Dates Between

Select check box to identify date range filter for start date of To-Do items.

Start Date

To-Do start date created on or after this date will be included in the display.

End Date

To-Do start date created on or before this date will be included in the display.

Only Due Dates Between

Select check box to identify date range filter for due date of To-Do items.

Start Date

To-Do due date created on or after this date will be included in the display.

End Date

To-Do due date created on or before this date will be included in the display.


Select to include Incidents in the display.


Select to include Project tasks in the display.


Select to include completed To-Do List items in the display.


Lists the total number of To-Do's listed in this search.

Automatically Update

Select to automatically update the display every five minutes.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Opens screen for creating a new To-Do List item.


Enables you to edit highlighted To-Do List items. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new To-Do List item—except that when editing, the fields will contain To-Do List item information. Double-clicking on a To-Do List item will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.


Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to remove the To-Do List item from the list.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a To-Do List item list enables you to select from the following menu options:


Opens screen for creating a new To-Do List item.


Enables you to edit highlighted To-Do List items. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new To-Do List item—except that when editing, the fields will contain To-Do List item information. Double-clicking on a To-Do List item will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.


Highlight a To-Do List item and then select this button to remove the To-Do List item from the list.

Edit Incident

Select to edit the specified Incident.

View Incident

Select to view the specified Incident.

Customer Workbench

Select to open the Customer Information Workbench for the specified Customer.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.