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7.2.1.  New To-Do List Item Create New Alarm

To enter a new To-Do List item, select the "New To-Do List Item" option. The following screen will appear:

To-Do List Item

When entering a new To-Do List item, you are presented with the following options:

Task Name

Enter a name to describe the Task. Duplicate Task Names are allowed.


Select to indicate the To-Do List item is active.


Enter a brief description of the To-Do List item.


Enter a priority from the drop down list to help you prioritize your To-Do List items. Priority options include, Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low

Assigned to

By default, a new To-Do List item is assigned to the user who creates it. Once a To-Do List item has been created, it may be reassigned to another user.

Reassign to User

To reassign the To-Do List item to another user, use the browse button located to the right of the field. By default, To-Do List items are assigned originally to the user who creates them.

Date Due

Specify the date when the To-Do List item is due.

Date Assigned

Specify the date when the To-Do List item was assigned—or reassigned.

Date Started

Specify the date when work on the To-Do List item was started.

Date Completed

Specify the date when work on the To-Do List item was completed.


Specify one of the following statuses to assign to the To-Do List item:

Pending Input

Select to indicate the To-Do List item is pending input. To-Do List items having this status will display a "P" in the status column when they appear on the To-Do List.


Select to indicate the To-Do List item is deferred. To-Do List items having this status will display a "D" in the status column when they appear on the To-Do List.


Select to indicate the To-Do List item is neither pending input nor deferred. To-Do List items having this status will display an "I" in the status column when they appear on the To-Do List.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without creating a To-Do List item, returning you to the previous screen.


Creates the To-Do List item and adds it to the To-Do List.

To enter notes for a To-Do List Item, select the "Notes" tab at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:

To-Do List Item Notes

This is a scrolling text field with word-wrapping for entering Notes related to the To-Do List item.

To create associations for a To-Do List Item to other records, select the "Relationships" tab at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:

To-Do List Item Relationships

Specify the CRM Account the To-Do item is associated with (if any).


Select an opportunity (if applicable) to associated with the To-Do List item.


Select an Incident (if applicable) to associate with the To-Do List item.

To create reminder Alarms for a To-Do List Item, select the "Alarms" tab at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:

To-Do List Item Alarms

Upon selecting Alarms you are presented with the following options:


Displays a list of Alarms you can create to send reminders to various users associated with an event or system message.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Opens screen for entering new Alarm information..


Enables you to edit highlighted Alarm. The edit screen is the same as that for entering new Alarm information—except that when editing, the fields will contain Alarm information.


Highlight an Alarm and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen. Double-clicking on an Alarm will also bring you to the view screen.


Highlight an Alarm Item and then select this button to remove the Alarm Item from the list. Create New Alarm

To create a new Alarm, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create Alarm

When creating a new Alarm you are presented with the following options:


Add the date and time for which you want the Alarm to alert specific users and contacts.


Select if you would like an event to trigger the Alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.


Select if you would like an Email notification to be sent as an alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.

System Message

Select if you would like a system message to be issued as an alarm. You may select from an unlimited list of users to be notified.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without creating an Alarm, returning you to the previous screen.


Creates the Alarm and adds it to the list of Alarms.


Allows you to choose unlimited number of users created in the system.


Allows you to choose from unlimited number of contacts created in the system.