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8.11.3. Pricing Schedules Pricing Schedule

A Pricing Schedule is a grouping of sold Items indicating special Prices for specified Quantity Breaks. Pricing Schedules may be assigned to individual Customers or to groups of Customers by Customer Type. To access the master list of Pricing Schedules, select the "Pricing Schedules" option. The following screen will appear:

Pricing Schedules Master List

At the top of the screen is a "Search for" field. To search for a Pricing Schedule, begin typing in the search field. As you type, the list will automatically scroll toward the Pricing Schedule you are typing. You can also search for Pricing Schedules manually by scrolling through the list. The following filters can also be applied to your search:

Show Expired Pricing Schedules

Select to display expired Pricing Schedules.


The effectivity and expiration dates for Pricing Schedules correspond to the created date for Sales Orders. Changes to Line Item quantities or scheduled dates for already-created Sales Orders can also cause Pricing Schedule effectivity to be recalculated as of the date the changes occur.

Show Future Pricing Schedules

Select to display future Pricing Schedules.

Item Pricing Schedules

Display lists Item Pricing Schedules.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Opens screen for creating a new Pricing Schedule.


Enables you to edit highlighted Pricing Schedule. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Pricing Schedule—except that when editing, the fields will contain Pricing Schedule information. Double-clicking on a Pricing Schedule will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a Pricing Schedule and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.


Highlight a Pricing Schedule and then select this button to create a new Pricing Schedule which duplicates the source Pricing Schedule.


Highlight a Pricing Schedule and then select this button to remove the Pricing Schedule from the list. Pricing Schedule

A single Pricing Schedule may contain multiple Items or Product Categories—and multiple Quantity Breaks. To create a new Pricing Schedule, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Create New Pricing Schedule


When Sales Orders are entered, the system will search for Quantity Break matches between the Sales Order Item and the relevant Pricing Schedule. If duplicate Quantity Breaks are found, the lowest Price for the given quantity will be used.

When creating a new Pricing Schedule, you are presented with the following options:


Enter the name of the Pricing Schedule.


Enter a description to identify the Pricing Schedule.


Enter the date when the Pricing Schedule becomes effective.


The effectivity and expiration dates for Pricing Schedules correspond to the created date for Sales Orders. Changes to Line Item quantities or scheduled dates for already-created Sales Orders can also cause Pricing Schedule effectivity to be recalculated as of the date the changes occur.


Enter the date when the Pricing Schedule expires.


Display lists all sold Items or Product Categories assigned to this Pricing Schedule.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the previous screen.


Creates the Pricing Schedule, adding it to the master list of Pricing Schedules.


Opens screen for creating a new Pricing Schedule Item.


Enables you to edit highlighted Pricing Schedule Item. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Pricing Schedule Item—except that when editing, the fields will contain Pricing Schedule Item information. Double-clicking on a Pricing Schedule Item will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a Pricing Schedule Item and then select this button to remove the Pricing Schedule Item from the list. Pricing Schedule Item

To create a new Pricing Schedule Item, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Pricing Schedule for Item

When creating a new Pricing Schedule Item, you are presented with the following options:


Specify which type of Pricing Schedule Item you want to create:


Select if the Pricing Schedule is for an individual Item.

Product Category

Select if the Pricing Schedule is for a Product Category.


The screen options will differ depending on whether the Pricing Schedule is for an Item or a Product Category.


Select if the Pricing Schedule is for Freight.

Item Number

Enter the Item Number of the Item you want to add to the Pricing Schedule. The browse button located to the right of the field leads to a searchable sold Items list. Multiple sold Items may be assigned to a single Pricing Schedule.


Inventory Unit of Measure.

To define the base Pricing Schedule details for non-configured Items, select the "Base" tab. The "Characteristics" tab is only available for configured Items (i.e., Job and Reference Items).

Qty. Break

Enter the lowest quantity of the specified Item that must be purchased to receive the specified Price. The Quantity Break is measured in the Inventory Unit of Measure. Multiple Quantity Breaks may be assigned to a single Item.


Enter the Price the specified Item may be purchased for if the specified Quantity Break is met. The Price is measured in the Price Unit of Measure.

Qty. UOM

Specify the Unit of Measure you want to use for the Quantity Break. By default, the Inventory UOM will appear here. However, if you have Selling UOMs defined for the specified Item, you may also select one of these. Selling UOMs are defined on the Item master.


When using a Selling UOM for the Quantity Break, you may not select an alternate Price UOM. The reason for this is that selling UOMs use the same UOM for both quantity and pricing.

Price UOM

Specify the Price Unit of Measure to be used with the specified Quantity Break UOM. If you select a Selling UOM for the Qty. UOM, you will not be able to select a Price UOM. For Selling UOMs, the Selling UOM and the Price UOM are the same.

List Price

Displays the List Price for the specified Item.

Price/Inv. Ratio

Displays the ratio between the Price and Inventory Units of Measure for the specified Item.

Cost (Pricing UOM)

Displays Standard Cost and Actual Cost for the specified Item.


The margin is determined by the following formula: Price - Cost / Price.

If the specified Item is a configured Item (i.e., Job and Reference Items), then the "Characteristics" tab will be available. Characteristics for configured Items can carry their own List Prices. These Characteristic Prices may be added to the Base Price when configured Items are sold. To define Characteristic pricing for configured Items, select the "Characteristics" tab. The following screen will appear:

Configured Item Pricing

When defining Characteristic pricing for configured Items, you are presented with the following options:


List displays all the Characteristic Prices which have been associated with the Pricing Schedule Item.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Opens screen for creating a new Characteristic pricing Item.


Enables you to edit highlighted Characteristic pricing Item. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new Characteristic pricing Item—except that when editing, the fields will contain Characteristic pricing Item information. Double-clicking on a Characteristic pricing Item will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a Characteristic pricing Item and then select this button to remove the Characteristic pricing Item from the list.

To add a new Characteristic pricing Item, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

Characteristic Pricing

When adding a new Characteristic pricing Item, you are presented with the following options:


Select a Characteristic from the list of Item Characteristics defined for the specified Item.


Select a Value from the list of Values defined for the specified Item Characteristic.


Enter a new Price for the Characteristic and Value combination. This alternate Price will be used in place of the standard Characteristic List Price when the Pricing Schedule is used.

List Price

Displays the default List Price for the Item Characteristic. The List Price for Characteristics is added to the Base Price of Sales Order Items when the Characteristic is specified at Sales Order entry time. Pricing Schedules are designed to override standard List Prices.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without creating the Pricing Schedule Item, returning you to the previous screen.


Creates the Pricing Schedule Item and adds it to the Pricing Schedule.

If you are creating a new Pricing Schedule for a Product Category, the following screen will appear:

Pricing Schedule for Product Category

When creating a new Pricing Schedule for a Product Category, you are presented with the following options:

Product Category

Specify the Product Category you want to add to the Pricing Schedule. All Items in the Product Category will be subject to the specified Quantity Break and Discount. Multiple Product Categories may be assigned to a single Pricing Schedule.

Qty. Break (Inventory UOM)

Enter the lowest quantity that must be purchased to receive the specified Discount. The Quantity Break applies to all Items in the specified Product Category. Multiple Quantity Breaks may be assigned to a single Product Category.

Discount Percent (List Price)

Enter the Discount percentage off List Price to be used when the specified Quantity Break is reached. The List Prices for all Items in the Product Category will be reduced by the specified percentage.