Chapter 2. ProActive Installation

ProActive is made available for download under a LGPL license. ProActive requires the JDK 1.5 or later to be installed on your computer. Please note that ProActive will NOT run with any version prior to 1.5 since some features introduced in JDK 1.5 are essential.

2.1. Quick Start

2.1.1. To Test ProActive with the examples

  • Download and unzip the ProActive archive

  • Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the Java distribution you want to use

  • Launch the scripts located in ProActive/scripts/unix or ProActive/scripts/windows

  • no other setting is necessary since the scripts given with the example take care of everything

2.1.2. To develop with ProActive

  • Download and unzip the ProActive archive

  • Include in your CLASSPATH the ProActive jar file (ProActive/ProActive.jar) along with ProActive/lib/javassist.jar, ProActive/lib/log4j.jar, ProActive/lib/xercesImpl.jar, ProActive/lib/components/fractal.jar, ProActive/lib/bouncycastle.jar

  • Depending on your project needs, you might need to include other libraries located in the ProActive/lib directory.

  • Don't forget to launch the JVM with a security policy file using the option A basic policy file can be found at ProActive/scripts/ You can also specify a log4j configuration file with the property -Dlog4j.configuration=file:pathToFile. If not specified a default logger that logs on the console will be created.

Below are described the different steps in more details.

2.2. Download and expand the archive

You can download the archive file (a standard zip file) containing ProActive from the download section of the ProActive home page. You will be asked to accept the licence agreement and provide a few personal details including your email address. You will then within a few minutes receive an email.

Unzip the archive using your favorite ZIP program, such as Winzip under Windows or the unzip command-line utility on most Unix systems. Unzipping the archive creates a ProActive directory and all the files contained in the archive go into this directory and its subdirectories.

Here is a quick overview of the directory structure of the archive:

Directory or File



ProActive bytecode that you need to include in the CLASSPATH in order to use ProActive


The bytecode and resources of all examples included with ProActive. This jar file needs to be included in the CLASSPATH only when trying to run the examples. All examples rely on ProActive and therefore the ProActive.jar file must be included in the CLASSPATH as well. This is done automatically by the scripts driving the examples. The source code is also included in the src directory (see below)


The bytecode and resources of IC2D. This jar file needs to be included in the CLASSPATH only when trying to run the application IC2D. IC2D relies on ProActive and therefore the ProActive.jar file must be included in the CLASSPATH. This is done automatically by the scripts launching the application. The source code is also included in the src directory (see below)


The external libraries used by ProActive


ProActive documentation including the full api doc


Unix sh scripts for running the examples


Windows .bat batch files for running the examples


For source version only, the full source code of ProActive


For source version only, the scripts to compile ProActive using Ant.

Table 2.1. contents

2.3. Run a few examples for testing

You can try to run the test applications provided with ProActive. Each example comes with a script to launch the application. Depending on you operating system, the script you need to launch is located either in ProActive/scripts/unix or ProActive/scripts/windows. The source code of all examples can be found in the directory ProActive/src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples.

2.3.1. Local Example 1: Hello world !

A simple example

  • script : or hello.bat

  • source : examples/hello

2.3.2. Local Example 2: Reader/Writer

This example is the ProActive version of the Readers/Writers canonical problem. To illustrate the ease-of-use of the ProActive model, different synchronization policies can be applied without even stopping the application. This example is based on a easy to use Swing GUI.

  • script : or readers.bat

  • source : examples/readers

2.3.3. Local Example 3: The Dining Philosophers

This example is one possible implementation of the well-known Dining Philosophers synchronization problem. This example is based on a easy to use Swing GUI.

  • script : or philosophers.bat

  • source : examples/philosophers

2.3.4. Local Example 4: The N-Body Simulation

This example has more fancy GUI stuff. It can be used later on to see how to deploy on several machines, and also for the Fault-tolerant features.

  • script : or nbody.bat

  • source : examples/nbody

2.4. CLASSPATH to set when writing application using ProActive

Note that if you use the scripts provided with the distribution to run the examples you do not need to update your classpath.

In order to use ProActive in your application you need to place in your CLASSPATH the following jars files :

  1. lib/ProActive.jar The library itself.

  2. lib/javassist.jar in lib directory. It is used to handle bytecode manipulation.

  3. lib/log4j.jar Log4j is the logging mechanism used in ProActive.

  4. lib/xercesImpl.jar Xerces is the library used to parse and validate xml files, like Deployment Descriptors, Configuration files and Component files (see Chapter 21, XML Deployment Descriptors, Chapter 20, ProActive Basic Configuration, and Chapter 28, Components introduction).

  5. lib/components/fractal.jar Fractal is the component model used for ProActive Components (see Chapter 28, Components introduction).

  6. lib/bouncycastle.jar This library is used by the ProActive security framework (see Chapter 37, ProActive Security Mechanism).

You do not need to modify your CLASSPATH permanently as long as you include the two entries above using a Java IDE or a shell script.

In addition to the jar files above you may want to add the following jar files. None of them are used directly by the core functionnalities of ProActive but only in part of the library. Their are needed to compile all the code but they are not needed at runtime if those specific functionnalities are not used.

  1. lib/jsch.jar Used when tunneling with rmissh.

  2. lib/jini/*.jar Used to interface with Jini.

  3. lib/globus/*.jar Used to interface with Globus.

  4. lib/components/*.jar Used by the the Fractal components.

  5. lib/ws/*.jar Used by the Web Services features in ProActive.

  6. lib/ibis.jar Used by Ibis if configured as communication protocol.

  7. lib/unicore/*.jar Used when deploying to a unicore site.

  8. lib/glite/*.jar Used to deploy on gLite sites.

2.5. Create a java.policy file to set permissions

If you use the scripts provided with the distribution to run the examples an existing policy file named will be used by default.

See Permissions in the JavaTM 2 SDK to learn more about Java permissions. The option will specify which policy file to use within proactive. As a first approximation, you can create a simple policy file granting all for everything :

grant {

2.6. Create a log4j configuration file


If you use the scripts provided with the distribution to run the examples an existing log4j file named proactive-log4j will be used by default.

          # the default logging level is INFO

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1

#A1 uses PatternLayout
#and displays the associated message (%m)
#using the platform dependant separator (%n)
#Use %M for method names
#see log4j documentation for details

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%m %n

#this appender displays : 
# %c : name of logger,
# %C : name of the class,
# %M : method name,
# %L : line number, and the message with the following pattern
#log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%c - %C{1}@%M,line %L :%n %m%n

########### Change here default logging level on a 
########### per-logger basis
########### usage is log4j.logger.className=Level, Appender


Example 2.1. A simple proactive-log4j file

2.7. ProActive and IDEs (Eclipse, ...)

We recommend you use the Eclispe IDE to develop your ProActive applications. You can get this tool on the Eclipse website Just unzip and launch the eclipse executable. In order to develop your own ProActive application, you will need to create an eclipse project :

File -> New ... -> Project

Then choose Java Project . A wizard should appear and ask you to enter the project name :

In order to separate class files from source files (it can be useful if you write scripts which refer to these classes), you can check the Create separate source and ouput folders in the Project Layout Frame, and click on configure default ... to choose the folders names. Once you have choosen all informations about Project Name , Project location , you can click on Next .

You have to specify some java settings in order to set the application classpath. Select the Librairies tab and click on the Add External Jar... button. Add the ProActive.jar and the librairies contained in the lib/ directory of the ProActive distribution.

The Librairies tab should look like this :

You can see now on the navigator tab on the left side, that there is a new Project with the source and output folders you've just created :

You are now able to create classes and packages that use the ProActive library.


There is one file which is problematic with Eclipse: src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/nbody/common/ If you have not installed java3d (, it will not compile (missing dependencies). So you should remove it from your project build. To do that, from the navigator view:

  • right-click on your ProActive project

  • properties

  • java build path

  • in the source tab, choose excluded, then edit

  • add src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/nbody/common/

  • click ok.

With the ant file (when you run compile$ build compile), there are no problems. The script checks the java3d installation before compiling the 3d class. When java3d is not installed, the nbody example only works only in 2d.

All is now configured to create your ProActive application. Click on the Finish button.

We are currently developing an Eclipse plugin that will help developers to easily create ProActive applications. Have a look at the plugin documentation page, Chapter 42, IC2D: Interactive Control and Debugging of Distribution and Eclipse plugin .

2.8. Troubleshooting and support

If you encounter any problem with installing ProActive and running the examples, please make sure you correctly followed all the steps described above. If it doesn't help, here is a list of the most common mistakes:

  • Permission denied when trying to launch scripts under Linux Permissions do not allow to execute files. Just change the permissions with chmod 755 *.sh

  • Java complains about not being able to find ProActive's classes. Your CLASSPATH environment variable does not contain the entry for the ProActive's or ASM's or Log4j's or Xerces' or Fractal's or BouncyCastle's classes. ProActive.jar,asmXX.jar, log4j.jar, xercesImpl.jar, fractal.jar, bouncycastle.jar must be in your CLASSPATH.

  • Java complains about denial of access. If you get the following exceptions, you probably didn't change the file java.policy as described in Section 2.5, “Create a java.policy file to set permissions”.

    org.objectweb.proactive.NodeException: access denied
    ( connect,resolve)
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.core.node.rmi.RemoteNodeImpl.<init>(
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.core.node.rmi.RemoteNodeFactory._createDefaultNode
                            (, Compiled Code)
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.core.node.NodeFactory.createDefaultNode(
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.core.node.NodeFactory.getDefaultNode(
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.ProActive.newActive(
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: access denied
    (java.util.PropertyPermission user.home re ad)
                    at (, Compiled Code)
                    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
                    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(
                    at java.lang.System.getProperty(
                    at org.objectweb.proactive.mop.MOPProperties.createDefaultProperties (
  • Java complains log4j initialization If you get the following message, you probably made a mistake when giving the -Dlog4j.configuration property to the java command. Be sure that the given path is right, try also to add file: before the path.

        log4j:WARN No appender could be found for logger .....
        log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly            
  • Examples and compilation do not work at all under Windows system: Check if your java installation is not in a path containing spaces like C:\Program Files\java or C:\Documents and Settings\java. Batch scripts, indeed, do not run properly when JAVA_HOME is set to such a directory. To get rid of those problems, the best thing to do is to install the jdk under a space-free directory and path (e.g. C:\java\j2sdk.... or D:\java\j2sdk... ) and then set the JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly.

If you cannot solve the problem, feel free to email us for support at . Make sure that you include a precise description of your problem along with a full copy of the error message you get.