Interface with Matlab/Scilab

40.1. Presentation

40.1.1. Motivations

Scilab is a scientific software for numerical computations. Developed since 1990 by researchers from INRIA and ENPC, it is now maintained and developed by Scilab Consortium since its creation in May 2003. Scilab includes hundreds of mathematical functions with the possibility to add interactively programs from various languages (C, Fortran...). It has sophisticated data structures (including lists, polynomials, rational functions, linear systems...), an interpreter and a high level programming language. Scilab works on most Unix systems (including GNU/Linux) and Windows (9X/2000/XP).

Matlab is a numerical computing environment and programming language. Created by The MathWorks, Matlab allows easy matrix manipulation, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs in other languages. Although it specializes in numerical computing, an optional toolbox interfaces with the Maple symbolic engine, allowing it to be part of a full computer algebra system. As of 2004, MATLAB was used by more than one million people in industry and academia.

The goal of the ProActive Interface is to equip Scilab and Matlab with a generic interface to Grid computing. This extension allows the deployment of Scilab/Matlab instances on several nodes of the grid (and to use these instances like computing engines) and submitting of Scilab/Matlab tasks over the grid. These engines are monitored by a central ProActive API. A natural condition is to deploy an application (based on this interface) strictly on hosts where the Scilab or Matlab software is installed.

40.1.2. Features

The interface with Matlab and Scilab inside ProActive comes in three different ways:

  • For both Scilab and Matlab , a GUI that can launch remote Matlab or Scilab scripts and visualize results (without dependencies between tasks or transfering results from one task to the other). The usage of this application is explained in the following section : Section 40.2, “ Graphical User Interface (Matlab/Scilab Grid ToolBox) ”

  • For both Scilab and Matlab , the ability to write simple Matlab or Scilab tasks workflows and submit these workflows to the ProActive Scheduler (with the possibility to define dependencies between tasks and transfering results from one task to the other). To learn how to use this feature read the scheduler documentation.

  • For Matlab only, a parallelization facility directly integrated in the Matlab environment (such as Mathworks Parallel Computing Toolbox). The usage of this feature is explained below in this chapter : Section 40.3, “Matlab embedded parallelization”

40.2.  Graphical User Interface (Matlab/Scilab Grid ToolBox)

This interface allows to launch remote Matlab/Scilab scripts (m or sci files), and visualize results textually. Before using it a couple of installation and configuration steps are required,for both Matlab and Scilab use.

40.2.1. Installation for Scilab

This ProActive interface supports Scilab's release 4.1.2 and manipulates the following types: Double, String, Double Matrix, String Matrix, Complex, Complex Matrix.

First, scilab needs to be installed or compiled, the instructions are in the file PROACTIVE/examples/scilab/README :

                    ProActive GUI for Matlab/Scilab.

Before being able to use the extension and launch the GUI ( or scilab.bat), please follow
 these installations steps.

---------------------------------------------  SCILAB
For every machines that you will be using:


You have 3 options for installing Scilab and make it work with ProActive, if you are in a 64 bits
 architecture only the first option will work :

1) BINARY installation from Scilab 4.1.2:
If you're machine is a 32 bit Linux or Windows, download Scilab 4.1.2 or above BINARY Version

Important : The Scilab Java interface doesn't work properly in 64 bits mode. But you can still use
 it on a 64 bits-architecture in 32 bits-mode.

  In order to do that use the 4.1.2 BINARY version or compile a source version on a similar 32 bit
 similar OS distribution.

2) SOURCE installation from Scilab 4.1.2:
If you want to compile the library from a source version :

  Download Scilab 4.1.2 SOURCE Version.

  make binaries of Scilab (procedure is explained  in SCILAB/Readme_Linux or SCILAB/Readme_Windows)

  After the build, make sure that you find or javasci.dll in the SCILAB/bin directory

3) SOURCE installation from Scilab 4.1 or Scilab 4.1.1:
If you can't have access to Scilab 4.1.2 or want to use an earlier version, download Scilab SOURCE
 version 4.1 or 4.1.1 (lower versions are not supported)

copy javasci_Scilab2.h and javasci_Scilab2.c from folder c_sources to SCILAB/routines/Javasci/

make binaries of Scilab (procedure is explained  in SCILAB/Readme_Linux or SCILAB/Readme_Windows)

After the build, make sure that you find or javasci.dll in the SCILAB/bin directory

After you install Scilab, you need to install it into your PATH.

In Windows systems, this will be done automatically by the Scilab installer.

Under linux, wou will have to run the following command on the Scilab directory after STEP 1:

> make install

---------------------------------------------- MATLAB
For every machines that you will be using:

STEP 1: If you plan to use Matlab, you must have Matlab installed and a valid licence.

STEP 2: IMPORTANT ! you need to compile and install Matlab Java Interface libraries, in order to do
 that, follow the guidelines in PROACTIVE/examples/matlab/README

--------------------------------------------- For Both
Edit paths to your SCILAB installation in the or scilab_env.bat file

Comment out the following line if present in the SCILAB/ file (should be around line

To comment out just insert "//" in the beginning of the line like in Java.

If you use a source version of ProActive, compile ProActive by the following (PROACTIVE refers to
 the directory where you installed ProActive):
> cd PROACTIVE/scripts/[unix|windows]/scilab
> build.[sh|bat] compile

Read documentation on on how to use the GUI

Edit paths inside the ProActiveScilab.xml descriptor if you want to use it to deploy on remote
 machines, if you want to deploy locally use the ProActiveScilabLocal.xml descriptor

Run or scilab.bat.


If you want to use the extension without the script, remember that the environment variables of the
 JVM used to launch Scilab/Matlab engines must be set according to the scilab_env.[sh|bat] script


40.2.2. Installation for Matlab

This ProActive interface supports many Matlab releases (from 7.1 on) and manipulates the following types: Double Matrixes, String Matrixes, Complex Matrixes, Integer Matrixes, Cells and Structs.

For Matlab use, Matlab's link to Java (from the ptolemy project ) needs to be compiled, the instructions for compiling it are described in the file PROACTIVE/dev/matlab/README :

!        Matlab interface to ProActive        !

The Matlab interface to ProActive allows you to schedule Matlab scripts on a distributed
 environment using either:

1) The standalone Matlab/Scilab ProActive GUI
2) The ProActive scheduler

You need to compile a native library called Ptolemy that will link against the native libraries of
 your Matlab installation.

The scripts in this directory can be run on Linux or Cygwin(Windows)

In order to build the libraries, first set the MATLAB environment variable to the full path of your
 Matlab command.

Make sure that the "javac" command from a Java JDK (and not JRE) is accessible in the Path.

Under Cygwin you need to set the right Path and the MATLAB environment variable by System
 Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables (don't define them directly under Cygwin).

On the prompt run:

> configure
> make

This will copy the Ptolemy library to Proactive's "lib" directory. Please note that this library
 depends on two things:
1) The Matlab version
2) Your architecture (Linux, 32 or 64 bit, Windows, Sun Solaris, etc...)

1) If you want to connect ProActive to another Matlab version you'll need to provide a MATLAB
 variable that will point to this other version and re-launch the scripts.
2) If you want to connect ProActive to a Matlab installed on a different architecture, you'll need
 to re-launch the scripts on this architecture.

Please note that after you've run the scripts for each version/architecture you will be able to
 launch Matlab jobs that can run on heterogeneous systems.


40.2.3. Configuration of the GUI

For both Scilab and Matlab, a configuration step is required, this step is described in PROACTIVE/examples/scilab/README above.

40.2.4. Launching Matlab/Scilab Grid ToolBox

To launch the application, you have to execute the script:

On Unix:

cd examples/scilab

On Windows:

cd examples\scilab scilab.bat

if you use a local version of Matlab or Scilab, you must declare the environment variables in the file:


Once the application is started, the main frame is displayed. This frame is composed in three parts:

  • The tree of Matlab/Scilab engines .

  • The ltables of pending, running, and terminated tasks.

  • The text area to display the log of user operations.

Main frame

Figure 40.1. Main frame

40.2.5. Deployment of the application

The first step is to deploy the topology of the application. A dialog enables to choice the descriptor and to select the virtual node. The button deploy launches the deployment of Matlab/Scilab engines over the nodes.

Deployment of the application

Figure 40.2. Deployment of the application

40.2.6. Task launching

The next step is the task launching. A dialog enables to select the script and possibly to define the script initialization, the return values, and the task priority. The button start creates and sends the task.

Creation of a task

Figure 40.3. Creation of a task

40.2.7. Display of results

The last step is the display of results. A double click on a task in the table of terminated tasks sets visible a dialog. This dialog displays the tasks properties and the result (with the possibility to save it in a file)

Display a result

Figure 40.4. Display a result

40.2.8. Task monitoring

In the main frame, several tables of tasks (pending, executing , terminated) allow to monitor the application. These tables allows to show just for each task the relevant informations. A double click on a task in these tables sets visible a dialog. This dialog displays the tasks properties (path, script initialization, results).

  • The table of pending tasks enables to cancel selected tasks and to clear all cancelled tasks

  • The table of executing tasks enables to kill selected tasks and to clear all killed tasks

  • The table of terminated tasks enables to get the status of tasks (SUCCESS or ABORT), to save the first selected task in file the result, to remove selected tasks.

40.2.9. Engine monitoring

In the main frame, a tree describes all nodes used by the application. Over the execution of the application, if a task is aborted, the engine of this task may be unstable ( this one is displayed with a red foreground). A rigth-click on it show a popup menu to restart it.

State of Engines

Figure 40.5. State of Engines

40.3. Matlab embedded parallelization

The purpose of this toolkit is to allow parallel execution directly inside the Matlab environment. The user can transparently launch parallel scripts and functions using its familiar way of programming within Matlab. The feature currently supports embarassingly parrallel problems only, meaning that for a set of scripts launched in parallel, each script's execution must be independant from other script's execution.

40.3.1. Installation

The toolkit requires a connection to the ProActive Scheduler andResource Manager. In consequence the scheduler needs to be installed and running. Explanation on how to install and use the ProActive Scheduler and Resource Manager are detailed in the Scheduler documentation. When a parallel script is executed, the toolkit wraps the scripts inside a job definition and submits it to the running scheduler. Execution of the job can therefore be monitored using the Scheduler SWT client interface described. The scheduler will run Matlab engines in order to parallelize scripts. In consequence, these engines will need a Matlab licence (up to 4 engines running on the same computer will take only one licence though). Finally, the Scheduler will need to have acces to the native Java interface to Matlab in order to launch the Matlab engines. It's already compiled for a set of Matlab versions and architectures as shown in the following list (it's not compatible with Matlab versions prior to 7.1):

  • Linux 32 bits / Matlab 7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5

  • Linux 64 bits / Matlab 7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5

  • Windows XP 32 bits / Matlab 7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5

If your architecture/version is not in the list, you'll need to compile the interface as described in Section 40.2.2, “Installation for Matlab”. The compilation process will put the generated native library inside the ProActive library directory. You can then launch the Scheduler : it will have access to the native libraries you've compiled.

40.3.2. Usage

Once the Scheduler and Resource Mananger are running, here is the procedure to use the toolkit :

  1. Start a Matlab session.

  2. Add the scripts contained in PROACTIVE/dev/matlab/embedded to your Matlab path.

  3. Execute the following command on the Matlab prompt:

    >> PAconnect('//machine-where-the scheduler-is-running');

    This will trigger a download of the ProActive libraries from the ProActive website. If you don't have access to internet, or if you want to use a specific version of ProActive, run the command as PAconnect('path-to-the-proactive-jar','//machine-where-the scheduler-is-running').

    In any case, if the scheduler can be found on the machine you specified, a pop up window will appear asking you to enter your login information. In order to create accounts for the scheduler, read the scheduler documentation.

  4. You're now ready to run some parallel scripts. We provide a little script, PAwarmup() which "warm up" the Matlab Engines by executing a set of vanilla tasks. If ever any problem exist in your configuration, they will probably appear here. Don't use PAwarmup each time ! Matlab Engines, once started will remain in activity with the scheduler. Reuse the script only if you needed to restart the scheduler.

    >> PAwarmup();
  5. In order to run a Matlab function in parallel you'll need to call the function PAsolve() as follows:

    >> PAsolve( {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, @factorial);

    This by example will execute the factorial method on 5 different machines, the first machine using the parameter 1, the second, the parameter 2, etc...

    The file system between your Matlab session and the remote engines needs to be shared (through NFS or something equivalent). Your local user path will be automatically copied to the remote engine. Meaning that if you are using a Matlab function f located in the m-file f.m at path P, then the remote engine will try to look at the function at the same path P.

40.4. Advanced Usage

40.4.1. Matlab/Scilab GUI Architecture

The interface architecture is based on the Master-Workers model. In this communication model, the master entity monitors the workers entities. In our case:

  • The role of the master is to deploy the topology of matlab/scilab instances (slaves) and to distribute tasks (between the different engines);

  • The role of the worker is to perform the submitted tasks (by the master).

There are four classes which are intented for the user:

The Class MSService implements all functionalities to deploy engines, to distribute tasks, and to retrieve results (of computed tasks).

  • The deployment is made thank to a ProActive descriptor. This deployment descriptor describes the different nodes of the grid taking part at the computation. A singularity of this descriptor is the declaration of specific matlab/scilab environment variables for each node. The deployment is achieved by a call of the method "deployEngine". This method takes in parameters the VirtualNode id, the descriptor path, and the number of engines to create.

  • The distribution of a Matlab/Scilab task is made thanks to the call of the method "sendTask". After the call, the task is set in pending queue. This queue is managed like a FIFO with priority. The task is in head of the queue is sent when a engine is available.

  • After the computation of a task, the matlab/scilab engine returns the result. To retrieve this result, it is necessary to listen the event "SciEventTask" thank to the method "addEnventListenerTask".

  • This class offers also the possibilities to cancel a pending task, to kill a running task , and to restart a engine.

The Class GenTaskInfo contains all informations about a Matlab/Scilab task. Among these informations, there are:

  • The state of the tasks:

    • WAIT : The task is in the pending queue

    • RUN : The task is computing by an engine

    • SUCCES : The computation of the task is terminated with success

    • ABORT : The computation of the task was avorted

    • KILL : The task was killed by the user during the computation

    • CANCEL : The Task was cancelled by the user before its computation

  • The global and execution time

  • The priority of the task ( LOW , NORMAL , HIGH )

  • The task itself

  • The result of the associated task ( It is available when the state is ABORT or SUCCESS )

The class SciTask describes a scilab task. It defines In and Out data, the job and the job initialization. A job is a scilab script (*.sce), it contains all instructions executed by a remote engine. In data and the job initialization allow to customize the execution and Out data define the values to return after the execution.

The class MatlabTask describes a matlab task. It defines similar data as the scilab task. A job is a scilab script (*.m).

The class GeneralResult describes a result of a Scilab or Matlab task. A result is the list of return values (defining in the task).

The following example Example 40.1, “Example: Interface Matlab/Scilab” presents how to compute a basic scilab task and to display the result. In our case the task initializes the variable "n" and increments it. The next example shows a possibly deployment descriptor Example 40.2, “Descriptor deployment” .

                    package org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.test;

import java.util.List;

import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.AbstractData;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.AbstractGeneralTask;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.GeneralResult;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.SciTask;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.monitor.GenTaskInfo;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.monitor.MSEvent;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.monitor.MSEventListener;
import org.objectweb.proactive.extensions.scilab.monitor.MSService;

public class SciTest2 {
    private MSService scilab;

    public void displayResult(GenTaskInfo scitaskInfo) {
        GeneralResult sciResult = scitaskInfo.getResult();
        List<AbstractData> listResult = sciResult.getList();

        for (AbstractData data : listResult) {


    public SciTest2(String nameVN, String pathVN) throws Exception {
        scilab = new MSService();
        scilab.deployEngine(nameVN, pathVN, new String[] { "Scilab" });

        scilab.addEventListenerTask(new MSEventListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(MSEvent evt) {
                GenTaskInfo sciTaskInfo = (GenTaskInfo) evt.getSource();

                if (sciTaskInfo.getState() == GenTaskInfo.SUCCEEDED) {

        AbstractGeneralTask task = new SciTask("id");
        task.setJobInit("n = 10;");
        task.setJob("n = n+1;");
        System.out.println("Job : " + task.getJob());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 2) {
            System.out.println("Invalid number of parameter : " + args.length);

        new SciTest2(args[0], args[1]);


Example 40.1. Example: Interface Matlab/Scilab

                    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ProActiveDescriptor xmlns="urn:proactive:deployment:3.3"
        <descriptorVariable name="REMOTE_HOME"
            value="/user/amangin/home" /><!--CHANGE ME!!!! -->
        <descriptorVariable name="PROACTIVE_HOME"
            value="${REMOTE_HOME}/ProActive" /><!--CHANGE ME!!!! -->
        <descriptorVariable name="JAVA_HOME"
            value="${REMOTE_HOME}/bin/jdk1.5.0" /><!-- Path of the remote JVM , CHANGE ME!!!!

        <descriptorVariable name="SCILAB_HOME"
            value="${REMOTE_HOME}/scilab/" /><!-- Path to Scilab on the remote machines , CHANGE
 ME!!!! -->
        <descriptorVariable name="MATLAB_DIR"
            value="/usr/local/matlab2006b" /><!-- Path to Matlab on the remote machines , CHANGE
 ME!!!! -->
        <descriptorVariable name="MATLAB" value="matlab2006b" /><!-- Name of the Matlab
 command on the remote machines , CHANGE ME!!!! -->
        <descriptorVariable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
            value="${SCILAB_HOME}/bin:${MATLAB_DIR}/bin/glnx86:${MATLAB_DIR}/sys/os/glnx86" />
<!-- Path of the matlab and scilab libraries , CHANGE ME!!!! -->
            <virtualNode name="ScilabVN" property="multiple" />
            <map virtualNode="ScilabVN">
                    <vmName value="Jvm0" />
                    <vmName value="Jvm1" />
                    <vmName value="Jvm2" />
                    <vmName value="Jvm3" />
                    <vmName value="Jvm4" />
            <jvm name="Jvm0">
                    <processReference refid="localJVM" />
            <jvm name="Jvm1">
                    <processReference refid="rsh_predadab" />
            <jvm name="Jvm2">
                    <processReference refid="rsh_trinidad" />
            <jvm name="Jvm3">
                    <processReference refid="rsh_apple" />
            <jvm name="Jvm4">
                    <processReference refid="localJVM" />
            <processDefinition id="localJVM">
                        <absolutePath value="${PROACTIVE_HOME}/lib/*" />
                            value="${PROACTIVE_HOME}/classes/Core" />
                            value="${PROACTIVE_HOME}/classes/Extensions" />
                        <absolutePath value="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" />
                            value="${PROACTIVE_HOME}/dist/" />
                            value="${PROACTIVE_HOME}/dist/proactive-log4j" />
            <processDefinition id="rsh_predadab">
                        <variable name="SCIDIR" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="SCI" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="MATLAB" value="${MATLAB}" />
                        <variable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
                            value="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" />
                    <processReference refid="localJVM" />
            <processDefinition id="rsh_trinidad">
                        <variable name="SCIDIR" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="SCI" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="MATLAB" value="${MATLAB}" />
                        <variable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
                            value="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" />
                    <processReference refid="localJVM" />
            <processDefinition id="rsh_apple">
                        <variable name="SCIDIR" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="SCI" value="${SCILAB_HOME}" />
                        <variable name="MATLAB" value="${MATLAB}" />
                        <variable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
                            value="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" />
                    <processReference refid="localJVM" />


Example 40.2. Descriptor deployment