Docs: PE 2.5 » Accounts Module » The pe_accounts::user Type

The pe_accounts::user Type

This defined type is part of pe_accounts, a pre-built Puppet module that ships with Puppet Enterprise for use in your own manifests.

windows-only NOTE: The pe_accounts module is not yet supported on Windows nodes.

The pe_accounts::user type declares a user account. It offers several benefits over Puppet’s core user type:

  • It can create and manage the user’s home directory as a Puppet resource.
  • It creates and manages a primary group with the same name as the user, even on platforms where this is not the default.
  • It can manage a set of SSH public keys for the user.
  • It can easily lock the user’s account, preventing all logins.

Puppet Enterprise uses this type internally to manage some of its own system users, but also exposes it as a public interface.

The pe_accounts::user type can be used on all of the platforms supported by Puppet Enterprise (except Windows).

Note: In Puppet Enterprise 1.2, this type was called accounts::user. it was renamed in PE 2 to avoid namespace conflicts. If you are upgrading and wish to continue using the older name, the upgrader can install a wrapper module to enable it. See the chapter on upgrading for more details.

Usage Example

    # /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/site/manifests/users.pp
    class site::users {
      # Declaring a dependency: we require several shared groups from the site::groups class (see below).
      Class[site::groups] -> Class[site::users]
      # Setting resource defaults for user accounts: 
      Pe_accounts::User {
        shell => '/bin/zsh',
      # Declaring our pe_accounts::user resources:
      pe_accounts::user {'puppet':
        locked  => true,
        comment => 'Puppet Service Account',
        home    => '/var/lib/puppet',
        uid     => '52',
        gid     => '52',
      pe_accounts::user {'sysop':
        locked  => false,
        comment => 'System Operator',
        uid     => '700',
        gid     => '700',
        groups  => ['admin', 'sudonopw'],
        sshkeys => ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]'],
      pe_accounts::user {'villain':
        locked  => true,
        comment => 'Test Locked Account',
        uid     => '701',
        gid     => '701',
        groups  => ['admin', 'sudonopw'],
        sshkeys => ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]'],
      pe_accounts::user {'jeff':
        comment => 'Jeff McCune',
        groups => ['admin', 'sudonopw'],
        uid => '1112',
        gid => '1112',
        sshkeys => [
                      'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]',
                      'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]',
                      'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]',
                      'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]'
      pe_accounts::user {'dan':
        comment => 'Dan Bode',
        uid => '1109',
        gid => '1109',
        sshkeys => ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]'],
      pe_accounts::user {'nigel':
        comment => 'Nigel Kersten',
        uid => '2001',
        gid => '2001',
        sshkeys => ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwLBhQefRiXHSbVNZYKu2o8VWJjZJ/B4LqICXuxhiiNSCmL8j+5zE/VLPIMeDqNQt8LjKJVOQGZtNutW4OhsLKxdgjzlYnfTsQHp8+JMAOFE3BD1spVnGdmJ33JdMsQ/fjrVMacaHyHK0jW4pHDeUU3kRgaGHtX4TnC0A175BNTH9yJliDvddRzdKR4WtokNzqJU3VPtHaGmJfXEYSfun/wFfc46+hP6u0WcSS7jZ2WElBZ7gNO4u2Z+eJjFWS9rjQ/gNE8HHlvmN0IUuvdpKdBlJjzSiKZR+r/Bo9ujQmGY4cmvlvgmcdajM/X1TqP6p3OuouAk5QSPUlDRV91oEHw== [email protected]'],
    # /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/site/manifests/groups.pp
    class site::groups {
      # Shared groups:

      Group { ensure => present, }
      group {'developer':
        gid => '3003',
      group {'sudonopw':
        gid => '3002',
      group {'sudo':
        gid => '3001',
      group {'admin':
        gid => '3000',


Many of the type’s parameters echo those of the standard user type.


The user’s name. While limitations differ by operating system, it is generally a good idea to restrict user names to 8 characters, beginning with a letter. Defaults to the resource’s title.


Specifies whether the user and its primary group should exist. Valid values are present and absent. Defaults to present.


The user’s login shell. The shell must exist and be executable. Defaults to /bin/bash.


A description of the user. Generally a user’s full name. Defaults to the user’s name.


The home directory of the user. Defaults to /home/<user's name>


The user’s uid number. Must be specified numerically; defaults to being automatically determined (undef).


The gid of the primary group with the same name as the user. The pe_accounts::user type will create and manage this group. Must be specified numerically, defaults to being automatically determined (undef).


An array of groups the user belongs to. The primary group should not be listed. Defaults to an empty array.


Whether specified groups should be considered the complete list (inclusive) or the minimum list (minimum) of groups to which the user belongs. Valid values are inclusive and minimum; defaults to minimum.


The user’s password, in whatever encrypted format the local machine requires. Be sure to enclose any value that includes a dollar sign ($) in single quotes (‘). Defaults to '!!', which prevents the user from logging in with a password.


Whether the user should be prevented from logging in. Set this to true for system users and users whose login privileges have been revoked. Valid values are true and false; defaults to false.


An array of SSH public keys associated with the user. Unlike with the ssh_authorized_key type, these should be complete public key strings that include the type and name of the key, exactly as the key would appear in its or file. Defaults to an empty array.

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