Package ZenModel :: Module MinMaxThreshold :: Class MinMaxThresholdInstance
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Class MinMaxThresholdInstance

source code

 twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable --+            
twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable --+        
        twisted.spread.flavors.Copyable --+    
   twisted.spread.jelly.Unjellyable --+   |    
                                      |   |    
      twisted.spread.flavors.RemoteCopy --+    
        ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id, context, dpNames, minval, maxval, eventClass, severity, escalateCount) source code
return the name of this threshold (from the ThresholdClass)
source code
Return an identifying context (device, or device and component)
source code
Returns the names of the datapoints used to compute the threshold
source code
rrdInfoCache(self, dp) source code
check(self, dataPoints)
The given datapoints have been updated, so re-evaluate.
source code
checkRaw(self, dataPoint, timeOf, value)
A new datapoint has been collected, use the given _raw_ value to re-evalue the threshold.
source code
checkRange(self, dp, value)
Check the value for min/max thresholds
source code
getGraphElements(self, template, gopts, namespace, color, relatedGps)
Produce a visual indication on the graph of where the threshold applies.
source code
getMinLabel(self, minval)
build a label for a min threshold
source code
getMaxLabel(self, maxval)
build a label for a max threshold
source code
getNames(self) source code
setPower(self, number) source code

Inherited from ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance: key

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Copyable: getStateToCopy, getStateToCopyFor, getTypeToCopy, getTypeToCopyFor, jellyFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: processUniqueID

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable: __providedBy__, getStateFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.RemoteCopy: setCopyableState, unjellyFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Unjellyable: setStateFor

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance: count

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: __implemented__, __provides__

Method Details [hide private]


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return the name of this threshold (from the ThresholdClass)


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Return an identifying context (device, or device and component)
Overrides: ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance.context


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Returns the names of the datapoints used to compute the threshold
Overrides: ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance.dataPoints

check(self, dataPoints)

source code 
The given datapoints have been updated, so re-evaluate. returns events or an empty sequence
Overrides: ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance.check

checkRaw(self, dataPoint, timeOf, value)

source code 
A new datapoint has been collected, use the given _raw_ value to re-evalue the threshold.
Overrides: ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance.checkRaw

getGraphElements(self, template, gopts, namespace, color, relatedGps)

source code 
Produce a visual indication on the graph of where the threshold applies.
Overrides: ThresholdInstance.ThresholdInstance.getGraphElements