Package ZenModel :: Module ThresholdInstance :: Class ThresholdInstance
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Class ThresholdInstance

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 twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable --+        
twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable --+    
        twisted.spread.flavors.Copyable --+
   twisted.spread.jelly.Unjellyable --+   |
                                      |   |
      twisted.spread.flavors.RemoteCopy --+
Known Subclasses:

A ThresholdInstance is a threshold to be evaluated in a collector within a given context.

Instance Methods [hide private]
return the name of this threshold (from the ThresholdClass)
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Return the ThresholdContext for this ThresholdInstance
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Unique data that refers to this object within a collector
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Returns the names of the datapoints used to compute the threshold
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check(self, dataPoints)
The given datapoints have been updated, so re-evaluate.
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checkRaw(self, dataPoint, timeOf, value)
A new datapoint has been collected, use the given _raw_ value to re-evalue the threshold.
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getGraphElements(self, template, gopts, namespace, color)
Produce a visual indication on the graph of where the threshold applies.
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Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Copyable: getStateToCopy, getStateToCopyFor, getTypeToCopy, getTypeToCopyFor, jellyFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: processUniqueID

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable: __providedBy__, getStateFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.RemoteCopy: setCopyableState, unjellyFor

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Unjellyable: setStateFor

Class Variables [hide private]
  count = None

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: __implemented__, __provides__

Method Details [hide private]

check(self, dataPoints)

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The given datapoints have been updated, so re-evaluate. returns events or an empty sequence

checkRaw(self, dataPoint, timeOf, value)

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A new datapoint has been collected, use the given _raw_ value to re-evalue the threshold. returns a sequence of events.