SQLAlchemy 0.3 Documentation

Version: 0.3.5 Last Updated: 03/18/07 18:39:07

module sqlalchemy.databases.oracle

Module Functions

def descriptor()
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class OracleBinary(Binary)

def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def get_col_spec(self)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class OracleBoolean(Boolean)

def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleChar(CHAR)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleCompiler(ANSICompiler)

Oracle compiler modifies the lexical structure of Select statements to work under non-ANSI configured Oracle databases, if the use_ansi flag is False.

def apply_function_parens(self, func)
def default_from(self)

Called when a SELECT statement has no froms, and no FROM clause is to be appended.

The Oracle compiler tacks a "FROM DUAL" to the statement.

def for_update_clause(self, select)
def limit_clause(self, select)
def visit_alias(self, alias)

Oracle doesn't like FROM table AS alias. Is the AS standard SQL??

def visit_column(self, column)
def visit_insert(self, insert)

INSERT s are required to have the primary keys be explicitly present.

Mapper will by default not put them in the insert statement to comply with autoincrement fields that require they not be present. so, put them all in for all primary key columns.

def visit_insert_sequence(self, column, sequence, parameters)

This is the sequence equivalent to ANSICompiler's visit_insert_column_default which ensures that the column is present in the generated column list.

def visit_join(self, join)
def visit_select(self, select)

Look for LIMIT and OFFSET in a select statement, and if so tries to wrap it in a subquery with row_number() criterion.

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class OracleDateTime(DateTime)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleDefaultRunner(ANSIDefaultRunner)

def exec_default_sql(self, default)
def visit_sequence(self, seq)
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class OracleDialect(ANSIDialect)

def __init__(self, use_ansi=True, auto_setinputsizes=True, module=None, threaded=True, **kwargs)
def compiler(self, statement, bindparams, **kwargs)
def create_connect_args(self, url)
def create_execution_context(self)
def create_result_proxy_args(self, connection, cursor)
def dbapi(self)
def defaultrunner(self, engine, proxy)
def do_executemany(self, c, statement, parameters, context=None)
def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name)
def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None)
def oid_column_name(self, column)
def reflecttable(self, connection, table)
def schemadropper(self, *args, **kwargs)
def schemagenerator(self, *args, **kwargs)
def type_descriptor(self, typeobj)
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class OracleDialect(ANSIDialect)

def __init__(self, use_ansi=True, auto_setinputsizes=True, module=None, threaded=True, **kwargs)
def compiler(self, statement, bindparams, **kwargs)
def create_connect_args(self, url)
def create_execution_context(self)
def create_result_proxy_args(self, connection, cursor)
def dbapi(self)
def defaultrunner(self, engine, proxy)
def do_executemany(self, c, statement, parameters, context=None)
def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name)
def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None)
def oid_column_name(self, column)
def reflecttable(self, connection, table)
def schemadropper(self, *args, **kwargs)
def schemagenerator(self, *args, **kwargs)
def type_descriptor(self, typeobj)
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class OracleExecutionContext(DefaultExecutionContext)

def pre_exec(self, engine, proxy, compiled, parameters)
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class OracleInteger(Integer)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleNumeric(Numeric)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleRaw(Binary)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleSchemaDropper(ANSISchemaDropper)

def visit_sequence(self, sequence)
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class OracleSchemaGenerator(ANSISchemaGenerator)

def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs)
def visit_sequence(self, sequence)
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class OracleSmallInteger(SmallInteger)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleString(String)

def get_col_spec(self)
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class OracleText(TEXT)

def get_col_spec(self)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class OracleTimestamp(DateTime)

def get_col_spec(self)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dialect)
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