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Qt's Main Classes

These are the most frequently used Qt classes. For the complete list see Qt's Classes.

QAbstractItemDelegate QFile QList QRegExp QTextCursor
QAbstractItemModel QFileDialog QListView QResource QTextDocument
QAbstractItemView QFlags QListWidget QRubberBand QTextEdit
QAccessible QFocusFrame QLocale QScrollArea QThread
QAction QFont QMainWindow QSet QThreadStorage
QApplication QFontDialog QMap QSettings QTime
QButtonGroup QFrame QMenu QSharedDataPointer QTimeEdit
QByteArray QFtp QMenuBar QShortcut QTimer
QCache QGLWidget QMessageBox QSignalMapper QToolBar
QCheckBox QGraphicsScene QModelIndex QSlider QToolBox
QClipboard QGraphicsView QMultiHash QSound QToolButton
QColor QGridLayout QMultiMap QSpinBox QToolTip
QColorDialog QGroupBox QMutex QSplashScreen QTranslator
QComboBox QHash QObject QSplitter QTreeView
QCoreApplication QHBoxLayout QPainter QSqlDatabase QTreeWidget
QCursor QHeaderView QPalette QSqlQuery QUrl
QDataStream QHttp QPen QStack QValidator
QDate QIcon QPicture QStackedLayout QVariant
QDateEdit QImage QPixmap QStackedWidget QVBoxLayout
QDateTime QInputDialog QPluginLoader QStatusBar QVector
QDateTimeEdit QItemDelegate QPointer QString QWhatsThis
QDesktopWidget QKeySequence QPrinter QStringList QWidget
QDial QLabel QProcess QStringListModel QWidgetAction
QDialog QLCDNumber QProgressBar QTabBar QXmlSimpleReader
QDir QLibrary QProgressDialog QTableView
QDomDocument QLibraryInfo QPushButton QTableWidget
QDomNode QLineEdit QQueue QTabWidget
QDoubleSpinBox QLinkedList QRadioButton QTemporaryFile

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Qt 4.2.3