Qt Reference Documentation

calculator.js Example File

 var curVal = 0
 var memory = 0
 var lastOp = ""
 var timer = 0

 function disabled(op) {
     if (op == "." && display.text.toString().search(/\./) != -1) {
         return true
     } else if (op == squareRoot &&  display.text.toString().search(/-/) != -1) {
         return true
     } else {
         return false

 function doOperation(op) {
     if (disabled(op)) {

     if (op.toString().length==1 && ((op >= "0" && op <= "9") || op==".") ) {
         if (display.text.toString().length >= 14)
             return; // No arbitrary length numbers
         if (lastOp.toString().length == 1 && ((lastOp >= "0" && lastOp <= "9") || lastOp == ".") ) {
             display.text = display.text + op.toString()
         } else {
             display.text = op
         lastOp = op
     lastOp = op

     if (display.currentOperation.text == "+") {
         display.text = Number(display.text.valueOf()) + Number(curVal.valueOf())
     } else if (display.currentOperation.text == "-") {
         display.text = Number(curVal) - Number(display.text.valueOf())
     } else if (display.currentOperation.text == multiplication) {
         display.text = Number(curVal) * Number(display.text.valueOf())
     } else if (display.currentOperation.text == division) {
         display.text = Number(Number(curVal) / Number(display.text.valueOf())).toString()
     } else if (display.currentOperation.text == "=") {

     if (op == "+" || op == "-" || op == multiplication || op == division) {
         display.currentOperation.text = op
         curVal = display.text.valueOf()

     curVal = 0
     display.currentOperation.text = ""

     if (op == "1/x") {
         display.text = (1 / display.text.valueOf()).toString()
     } else if (op == "x^2") {
         display.text = (display.text.valueOf() * display.text.valueOf()).toString()
     } else if (op == "Abs") {
         display.text = (Math.abs(display.text.valueOf())).toString()
     } else if (op == "Int") {
         display.text = (Math.floor(display.text.valueOf())).toString()
     } else if (op == plusminus) {
         display.text = (display.text.valueOf() * -1).toString()
     } else if (op == squareRoot) {
         display.text = (Math.sqrt(display.text.valueOf())).toString()
     } else if (op == "mc") {
         memory = 0;
     } else if (op == "m+") {
         memory += display.text.valueOf()
     } else if (op == "mr") {
         display.text = memory.toString()
     } else if (op == "m-") {
         memory = display.text.valueOf()
     } else if (op == leftArrow) {
         display.text = display.text.toString().slice(0, -1)
         if (display.text.length == 0) {
             display.text = "0"
     } else if (op == "Off") {
     } else if (op == "C") {
         display.text = "0"
     } else if (op == "AC") {
         curVal = 0
         memory = 0
         lastOp = ""
         display.text ="0"

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