Qt Reference Documentation


The installation procedure is different on each Qt platform. This page provides information on how to install Qt, as well as software and hardware requirements for using Qt on each of the supported platforms. Please follow the instructions for your platform from the following list.

General Qt Requirements

Outlines the general requirements and dependencies needed to install Qt.

Installing Qt on Embedded Linux

How to install Qt on Embedded Linux.

Installing Qt on Mac OS X

How to install Qt on Mac OS X.

Installing Qt on Windows

How to install Qt on Windows.

Installing Qt on Windows CE

How to install Qt on Windows CE.

Installing Qt on X11 Platforms

How to install Qt on platforms with X11.

Installing Qt on the Symbian platform

How to install Qt on the Symbian platform.

Installing Qt on the Symbian platform using Linux (experimental)

How to install Qt on the Symbian platform using Linux.

Qt for Embedded Linux Requirements

Setting up the Embedded Linux environment for Qt.

Qt for Mac OS X Requirements

Setting up the Mac OS X environment for Qt.

Qt for Windows CE Requirements

Setting up the Windows CE environment for Qt.

Qt for Windows Requirements

Setting up the Windows environment for Qt.

Qt for X11 Requirements

Setting up the X11 environment for Qt.

Qt for the Symbian platform Requirements

Setting up the Symbian platform environment for Qt.


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