Qt Reference Documentation

mainwindow.ui Example File

 <ui version="4.0" >
  <widget class="QMainWindow" name="MainWindow" >
   <property name="geometry" >
   <property name="windowTitle" >
    <string>Editable Tree Model</string>
   <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget" >
    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
     <property name="margin" >
     <property name="spacing" >
      <widget class="QTreeView" name="view" >
       <property name="alternatingRowColors" >
       <property name="selectionBehavior" >
       <property name="horizontalScrollMode" >
       <property name="animated" >
       <property name="allColumnsShowFocus" >
   <widget class="QMenuBar" name="menubar" >
    <property name="geometry" >
    <widget class="QMenu" name="fileMenu" >
     <property name="title" >
     <addaction name="exitAction" />
    <widget class="QMenu" name="actionsMenu" >
     <property name="title" >
     <addaction name="insertRowAction" />
     <addaction name="insertColumnAction" />
     <addaction name="separator" />
     <addaction name="removeRowAction" />
     <addaction name="removeColumnAction" />
     <addaction name="separator" />
     <addaction name="insertChildAction" />
    <addaction name="fileMenu" />
    <addaction name="actionsMenu" />
   <widget class="QStatusBar" name="statusbar" />
   <action name="exitAction" >
    <property name="text" >
    <property name="shortcut" >
   <action name="insertRowAction" >
    <property name="text" >
     <string>Insert Row</string>
    <property name="shortcut" >
     <string>Ctrl+I, R</string>
   <action name="removeRowAction" >
    <property name="text" >
     <string>Remove Row</string>
    <property name="shortcut" >
     <string>Ctrl+R, R</string>
   <action name="insertColumnAction" >
    <property name="text" >
     <string>Insert Column</string>
    <property name="shortcut" >
     <string>Ctrl+I, C</string>
   <action name="removeColumnAction" >
    <property name="text" >
     <string>Remove Column</string>
    <property name="shortcut" >
     <string>Ctrl+R, C</string>
   <action name="insertChildAction" >
    <property name="text" >
     <string>Insert Child</string>
    <property name="shortcut" >
   <include location="editabletreemodel.qrc" />

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