This document contains the QML coding conventions that we follow in our documentation and examples and recommend that others follow.
This page assumes that you are already familiar with the QML language. If you need an introduction to the language, please read the QML introduction first.
Through our documentation and examples, QML objects are always structured in the following order:
For better readability, we separate these different parts with an empty line.
For example, a hypothetical photo QML object would look like this:
Rectangle { id: photo // id on the first line makes it easy to find an object property bool thumbnail: false // property declarations property alias image: photoImage.source signal clicked // signal declarations function doSomething(x) { // javascript functions return x + photoImage.width } x: 20; y: 20; width: 200; height: 150 // object properties color: "gray" // try to group related properties together Rectangle { // child objects id: border anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "white" Image { id: photoImage; anchors.centerIn: parent } } states: State { // states name: "selected" PropertyChanges { target: border; color: "red" } } transitions: Transition { // transitions from: ""; to: "selected" ColorAnimation { target: border; duration: 200 } } }
If using multiple properties from a group of properties, we use the group notation rather than the dot notation to improve readability.
For example, this:
Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left;; anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.leftMargin: 20 } Text { text: "hello" font.bold: true; font.italic: true; font.pixelSize: 20; font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase }
can be written like this:
Rectangle { anchors { left: parent.left; top:; right: parent.right; leftMargin: 20 } } Text { text: "hello" font { bold: true; italic: true; pixelSize: 20; capitalization: Font.AllUppercase } }
If a list contains only one element, we generally omit the square brackets.
For example, it is very common for a component to only have one state.
In this case, instead of:
states: [ State { name: "open" PropertyChanges { target: container; width: 200 } } ]
we will write this:
states: State { name: "open" PropertyChanges { target: container; width: 200 } }
If the script is a single expression, we recommend writing it inline:
Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: parent.width / 3 }
If the script is only a couple of lines long, we generally use a block:
Rectangle { color: "blue" width: { var w = parent.width / 3 console.debug(w) return w } }
If the script is more than a couple of lines long or can be used by different objects, we recommend creating a function and calling it like this:
function calculateWidth(object) { var w = object.width / 3 // ... // more javascript code // ... console.debug(w) return w } Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: calculateWidth(parent) }
For long scripts, we will put the functions in their own JavaScript file and import it like this:
import "myscript.js" as Script Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: Script.calculateWidth(parent) }