Qt Reference Documentation

QML DoubleValidator Element

DoubleValidator instantiates the C++ class QDoubleValidator

  • List of all members, including inherited members
  • Properties

    Detailed Description

    This element provides a validator for non-integer numbers.

    Property Documentation

    bottom : real

    This property holds the validator's minimum acceptable value. By default, this property contains a value of -infinity.

    decimals : int

    This property holds the validator's maximum number of digits after the decimal point. By default, this property contains a value of 1000.

    notation : enumeration

    This property holds the notation of how a string can describe a number.

    The possible values for this property are:

    If this property is set to DoubleValidator.ScientificNotation, the written number may have an exponent part (e.g. 1.5E-2).

    top : real

    This property holds the validator's maximum acceptable value. By default, this property contains a value of infinity.


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