#include <QtGui>
#include "mydecoration.h"
static const char * const _close_button[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
" c none",
". c #ffafaf",
"x c #000000",
" ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" x............x ",
" x.x........x.x ",
" x..x......x..x ",
" x...x....x...x ",
" x....x..x....x ",
" x.....xx.....x ",
" x.....xx.....x ",
" x....x..x....x ",
" x...x....x...x ",
" x..x......x..x ",
" x.x........x.x ",
" x............x ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" "};
static const char * const _normalize_button[] = {
"16 16 4 1",
" c none",
". c #dfdfff",
"o c #7f7f7f",
"x c #000000",
" ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" xx...........x ",
" x.x..........x ",
" x..x..x......x ",
" x...xxx......x ",
" x...xxx......x ",
" x..xxxx......x ",
" x............x ",
" x.......xxxx.x ",
" x.......x..x.x ",
" x.......x..x.x ",
" x.......xxxx.x ",
" x............x ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" "};
static const char * const _maximize_button[] = {
"16 16 4 1",
" c none",
". c #dfdfff",
"o c #7f7f7f",
"x c #000000",
" ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" x............x ",
" x.......xxxx.x ",
" x........xxx.x ",
" x........xxx.x ",
" x.......x..x.x ",
" x......x.....x ",
" x.....x......x ",
" x.oooo.......x ",
" x.o..o.......x ",
" x.o..o.......x ",
" x.oooo.......x ",
" x............x ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" "};
static const char * const _help_button[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
" c none",
". c #afffdf",
"x c #000000",
" ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" x............x ",
" x....xxxx....x ",
" x..xx....xx..x ",
" x.xx......xx.x ",
" x.xx......xx.x ",
" x........xx..x ",
" x......xx....x ",
" x.....xx.....x ",
" x.....xx.....x ",
" x............x ",
" x.....xx.....x ",
" x............x ",
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ",
" "};
: QDecorationDefault()
border = 4;
titleHeight = 24;
buttonWidth = 20;
buttonHeight = 20;
buttonMargin = 2;
buttonHints << Qt::Window
<< Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint
<< Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint;
//! [constructor start]
//! [map window flags to decoration regions]
buttonHintMap[Qt::Window] = Close;
buttonHintMap[Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint] = Maximize;
buttonHintMap[Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint] = Help;
//! [map window flags to decoration regions]
//! [map decoration regions to pixmaps]
normalButtonPixmaps[Close] = QPixmap(_close_button);
normalButtonPixmaps[Maximize] = QPixmap(_maximize_button);
normalButtonPixmaps[Normalize] = QPixmap(_normalize_button);
normalButtonPixmaps[Help] = QPixmap(_help_button);
maximizedButtonPixmaps[Close] = QPixmap(_close_button);
maximizedButtonPixmaps[Maximize] = QPixmap(_normalize_button);
maximizedButtonPixmaps[Normalize] = QPixmap(_normalize_button);
maximizedButtonPixmaps[Help] = QPixmap(_help_button);
//! [map decoration regions to pixmaps]
//! [constructor end]
stateRegions << Close << Maximize << Help;
QRegion MyDecoration::region(const QWidget *widget, const QRect &insideRect,
int decorationRegion)
//! [region start]
//! [calculate the positions of buttons based on the window flags used]
QHash<DecorationRegion, int> buttons;
Qt::WindowFlags flags = widget->windowFlags();
int dx = -buttonMargin - buttonWidth;
foreach (Qt::WindowType button, buttonHints) {
if (flags & button) {
int x = (buttons.size() + 1) * dx;
buttons[buttonHintMap[button]] = x;
//! [calculate the positions of buttons based on the window flags used]
//! [calculate the extent of the title]
int titleRightMargin = buttons.size() * dx;
QRect outsideRect(insideRect.left() - border,
insideRect.top() - titleHeight - border,
insideRect.width() + 2 * border,
insideRect.height() + titleHeight + 2 * border);
//! [calculate the extent of the title]
//! [check for all regions]
QRegion region;
if (decorationRegion == All) {
region += QRegion(outsideRect) - QRegion(insideRect);
return region;
//! [check for all regions]
//! [compose a region based on the decorations specified]
if (decorationRegion & Title) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(border, border, -border, 0);
rect.setWidth(qMax(0, rect.width() + titleRightMargin));
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & Top) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(border, 0, -border, 0);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & Left) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(0, border, 0, -border);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & Right) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(0, border, 0, -border);
rect.setLeft(rect.right() + 1 - border);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & Bottom) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(border, 0, -border, 0);
rect.setTop(rect.bottom() + 1 - border);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & TopLeft) {
QRect rect = outsideRect;
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & TopRight) {
QRect rect = outsideRect;
rect.setLeft(rect.right() + 1 - border);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & BottomLeft) {
QRect rect = outsideRect;
rect.setTop(rect.bottom() + 1 - border);
region += rect;
if (decorationRegion & BottomRight) {
QRect rect = outsideRect;
rect.setLeft(rect.right() + 1 - border);
rect.setTop(rect.bottom() + 1 - border);
region += rect;
//! [compose a region based on the decorations specified]
//! [add a region for each button only if it is present]
foreach (QDecoration::DecorationRegion testRegion, stateRegions) {
if (decorationRegion & testRegion and buttons.contains(testRegion)) {
QRect rect = outsideRect.adjusted(border, border, -border, 0);
dx = buttons[testRegion];
rect.setLeft(rect.right() + 1 + dx);
rect.setWidth(buttonWidth + buttonMargin);
region += rect;
//! [add a region for each button only if it is present]
//! [region end]
return region;
bool MyDecoration::paint(QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget,
int decorationRegion, DecorationState state)
if (decorationRegion == None)
return false;
//! [paint start]
//! [paint different regions]
bool handled = false;
QPalette palette = QApplication::palette();
QHash<DecorationRegion, QPixmap> buttonPixmaps;
if (widget->windowState() == Qt::WindowMaximized)
buttonPixmaps = maximizedButtonPixmaps;
buttonPixmaps = normalButtonPixmaps;
if (decorationRegion & Title) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, Title).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Base));
painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, widget->windowTitle());
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & Top) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, Top).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & Left) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, Left).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & Right) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, Right).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & Bottom) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, Bottom).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & TopLeft) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, TopLeft).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & TopRight) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, TopRight).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & BottomLeft) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, BottomLeft).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
if (decorationRegion & BottomRight) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(widget, BottomRight).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Dark));
handled = true;
//! [paint different regions]
//! [paint buttons]
int margin = (titleHeight - 16) / 2;
Qt::WindowFlags flags = widget->windowFlags();
foreach (DecorationRegion testRegion, stateRegions) {
if (decorationRegion & testRegion && flags & buttonHintMap.key(testRegion)) {
QRect rect = QDecoration::region(
widget, testRegion).boundingRect();
painter->fillRect(rect, palette.brush(QPalette::Base));
QRect buttonRect = rect.adjusted(0, margin, -buttonMargin - margin,
painter->drawPixmap(buttonRect.topLeft(), buttonPixmaps[testRegion]);
handled = true;
//! [paint buttons]
//! [paint end]
return handled;