Qt Reference Documentation

List of All Members for QXmlName

This is the complete list of members for QXmlName, including inherited members.

  • QXmlName ()
  • QXmlName ( QXmlNamePool &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString & )
  • fromClarkName ( const QString &, const QXmlNamePool & ) : QXmlName
  • isNCName ( const QString & ) : bool
  • isNull () const : bool
  • localName ( const QXmlNamePool & ) const : QString
  • namespaceUri ( const QXmlNamePool & ) const : QString
  • prefix ( const QXmlNamePool & ) const : QString
  • toClarkName ( const QXmlNamePool & ) const : QString
  • operator!= ( const QXmlName & ) const : bool
  • operator= ( const QXmlName & ) : QXmlName &
  • operator== ( const QXmlName & ) const : bool

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