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Tips and Tricks

Quickly Switching between Modes

You can quickly switch between modes by pressing Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, and so on.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Qt Creator provides a lot of useful keyboard shortcuts. Some useful shortcuts are listed here.

Running Qt Creator from the command line

You can start Qt Creator from a command prompt with the name of an existing session or .pro file by giving the name as argument on the command line.

Show and hide the sidebar

You can show and hide the the sidebar in Edit and Debug mode by clicking on the corresponding icon, or by pressing Alt+0 (Mac OS X: Cmd+0).

Display signals and slots

If you have an instance of a class that is derived from QObject, and you would like to find all other objects connected to one of your object's slots using Qt's signals and slots mechanism -- you can enable Use Custom Display for Qt Objects feature under the Debug menu.

In the Locals and Watchers view, expand the object's entry and open the slot in the slots subitem. The objects connected to this slot are shown as children of the slot. This method works with signals too.

Display low level data

If special debugging of Qt objects fails due to data corruption within the debugged objects, you can switch the debugging helpers off in the Debugger > Debugging Helper options dialog. This makes the low-level structures visible again.

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Qt Creator 1.3.0