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QDSyncPlugin Class Reference

The QDSyncPlugin class represents a Qt Extended Sync Agent sync plugin. More...

    #include <QDSyncPlugin>

Inherits QDPlugin.

Inherited by QDClientSyncPlugin and QDServerSyncPlugin.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QDSyncPlugin class represents a Qt Extended Sync Agent sync plugin.

All Qt Extended Sync Agent sync plugins inherit from QDSyncPlugin but the class itself is abstract.

Member Function Documentation

QDSyncPlugin::QDSyncPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a QDSyncPlugin with parent as the owning QObject.

QDSyncPlugin::~QDSyncPlugin ()   [virtual]


QString QDSyncPlugin::dataset ()   [pure virtual]

Returns the dataset that this sync plugin supports.

See also Datasets.

void QDSyncPlugin::finishSync ()   [virtual]

This method is called when the plugin has finished it's sync. The plugin should release any resources no longer needed and indicate completion using the finishedSync() signal. This can be done asynchronously but it must be done or the sync will stall.

Note that any objects assigned to the object returned by CenterInterface::syncObject() will not be deleted until after the sync has completed.

void QDSyncPlugin::finishedSync ()   [signal]

This signal should be emitted after finishSync() is called to indicate that the plugin has cleaned up its resources.

void QDSyncPlugin::prepareForSync ()   [virtual]

This method is called when the plugin is about to be used. The plugin should allocate any required resources and should indicate readyness using the readyForSync() signal. This can be done asynchronously but it must be done or the sync will stall.

void QDSyncPlugin::readyForSync ( bool ready )   [signal]

This signal should be emitted after prepareForSync() is called to indicate that the plugin is ready. Use false to indicate that the plugin cannot sync at this time (for example, if the data source is not available).

QByteArray QDSyncPlugin::referenceSchema ()   [virtual]

Returns an example xml schema for the records handled by the plugin. This schema should represent the fields handled by the plugin and is used to improve conflict detection by the merge algorithm.

This method should be implemented by plugins that do not support the entire schema.

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Qt Extended Sync Agent Documentation