
QtButtonPropertyBrowser Class Reference

The QtButtonPropertyBrowser class provides a drop down QToolButton based property browser. More...

 #include <QtButtonPropertyBrowser>

Inherits QtAbstractPropertyBrowser.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QtButtonPropertyBrowser class provides a drop down QToolButton based property browser.

A property browser is a widget that enables the user to edit a given set of properties. Each property is represented by a label specifying the property's name, and an editing widget (e.g. a line edit or a combobox) holding its value. A property can have zero or more subproperties.

QtButtonPropertyBrowser provides drop down button for all nested properties, i.e. subproperties are enclosed by a container associated with the drop down button. The parent property's name is displayed as button text. For example:

Use the QtAbstractPropertyBrowser API to add, insert and remove properties from an instance of the QtButtonPropertyBrowser class. The properties themselves are created and managed by implementations of the QtAbstractPropertyManager class.

See also QtTreePropertyBrowser and QtAbstractPropertyBrowser.

Member Function Documentation

QtButtonPropertyBrowser::QtButtonPropertyBrowser ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Creates a property browser with the given parent.

QtButtonPropertyBrowser::~QtButtonPropertyBrowser ()

Destroys this property browser.

Note that the properties that were inserted into this browser are not destroyed since they may still be used in other browsers. The properties are owned by the manager that created them.

See also QtProperty and QtAbstractPropertyManager.

void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::collapsed ( QtBrowserItem * item )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when the item is collapsed.

See also expanded() and setExpanded().

void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::expanded ( QtBrowserItem * item )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when the item is expanded.

See also collapsed() and setExpanded().

bool QtButtonPropertyBrowser::isExpanded ( QtBrowserItem * item ) const

Returns true if the item is expanded; otherwise returns false.

See also setExpanded().

void QtButtonPropertyBrowser::setExpanded ( QtBrowserItem * item, bool expanded )

Sets the item to either collapse or expanded, depending on the value of expanded.

See also isExpanded(), expanded(), and collapsed().

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