
QtPointPropertyManager Class Reference

The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties. More...

 #include <QtPointPropertyManager>

Inherits QtAbstractPropertyManager.

Public Functions

Public Slots


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties.

A point property has nested x and y subproperties. The top-level property's value can be retrieved using the value() function, and set using the setValue() slot.

The subproperties are created by a QtIntPropertyManager object. This manager can be retrieved using the subIntPropertyManager() function. In order to provide editing widgets for the subproperties in a property browser widget, this manager must be associated with an editor factory.

In addition, QtPointPropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager changes.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtIntPropertyManager, and QtPointFPropertyManager.

Member Function Documentation

QtPointPropertyManager::QtPointPropertyManager ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a manager with the given parent.

QtPointPropertyManager::~QtPointPropertyManager ()

Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.

void QtPointPropertyManager::setValue ( QtProperty * property, const QPoint & value )   [slot]

Sets the value of the given property to value. Nested properties are updated automatically.

See also value() and valueChanged().

QtIntPropertyManager * QtPointPropertyManager::subIntPropertyManager () const

Returns the manager that creates the nested x and y subproperties.

In order to provide editing widgets for the subproperties in a property browser widget, this manager must be associated with an editor factory.

See also QtAbstractPropertyBrowser::setFactoryForManager().

QPoint QtPointPropertyManager::value ( const QtProperty * property ) const

Returns the given property's value.

If the given property is not managed by this manager, this function returns a point with coordinates (0, 0).

See also setValue().

void QtPointPropertyManager::valueChanged ( QtProperty * property, const QPoint & value )   [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager changes its value, passing a pointer to the property and the new value as parameters.

See also setValue().

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