
QtSizePropertyManager Class Reference

The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties. More...

 #include <QtSizePropertyManager>

Inherits QtAbstractPropertyManager.

Public Functions

Public Slots


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties.

A size property has nested width and height subproperties. The top-level property's value can be retrieved using the value() function, and set using the setValue() slot.

The subproperties are created by a QtIntPropertyManager object. This manager can be retrieved using the subIntPropertyManager() function. In order to provide editing widgets for the subproperties in a property browser widget, this manager must be associated with an editor factory.

A size property also has a range of valid values defined by a minimum size and a maximum size. These sizes can be retrieved using the minimum() and the maximum() functions, and set using the setMinimum() and setMaximum() slots. Alternatively, the range can be defined in one go using the setRange() slot.

In addition, QtSizePropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager changes, and the rangeChanged() signal which is emitted whenever such a property changes its range of valid sizes.

See also QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtIntPropertyManager, and QtSizeFPropertyManager.

Member Function Documentation

QtSizePropertyManager::QtSizePropertyManager ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a manager with the given parent.

QtSizePropertyManager::~QtSizePropertyManager ()

Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.

QSize QtSizePropertyManager::maximum ( const QtProperty * property ) const

Returns the given property's maximum size value.

See also setMaximum(), minimum(), and setRange().

QSize QtSizePropertyManager::minimum ( const QtProperty * property ) const

Returns the given property's minimum size value.

See also setMinimum(), maximum(), and setRange().

void QtSizePropertyManager::rangeChanged ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & minimum, const QSize & maximum )   [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager changes its range of valid sizes, passing a pointer to the property and the new minimum and maximum sizes.

See also setRange().

void QtSizePropertyManager::setMaximum ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & maxVal )   [slot]

Sets the maximum size value for the given property to maxVal.

When setting the maximum size value, the minimum and current values are adjusted if necessary (ensuring that the size range remains valid and that the current value is within the range).

See also maximum(), setRange(), and rangeChanged().

void QtSizePropertyManager::setMinimum ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & minVal )   [slot]

Sets the minimum size value for the given property to minVal.

When setting the minimum size value, the maximum and current values are adjusted if necessary (ensuring that the size range remains valid and that the current value is within the range).

See also minimum(), setRange(), and rangeChanged().

void QtSizePropertyManager::setRange ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & minimum, const QSize & maximum )   [slot]

Sets the range of valid values.

This is a convenience function defining the range of valid values in one go; setting the minimum and maximum values for the given property with a single function call.

When setting a new range, the current value is adjusted if necessary (ensuring that the value remains within the range).

See also setMinimum(), setMaximum(), and rangeChanged().

void QtSizePropertyManager::setValue ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & value )   [slot]

Sets the value of the given property to value.

If the specified value is not valid according to the given property's size range, the value is adjusted to the nearest valid value within the size range.

See also value(), setRange(), and valueChanged().

QtIntPropertyManager * QtSizePropertyManager::subIntPropertyManager () const

Returns the manager that creates the nested width and height subproperties.

In order to provide editing widgets for the width and height properties in a property browser widget, this manager must be associated with an editor factory.

See also QtAbstractPropertyBrowser::setFactoryForManager().

QSize QtSizePropertyManager::value ( const QtProperty * property ) const

Returns the given property's value.

If the given property is not managed by this manager, this function returns an invalid size

See also setValue().

void QtSizePropertyManager::valueChanged ( QtProperty * property, const QSize & value )   [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager changes its value, passing a pointer to the property and the new value as parameters.

See also setValue().

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