Configuring Visual Explain

This section describes how you configure Visual Explain.


If your database server has the rh-postgresql-test package installed and the regression tests have been run, you will be able to perform the Visual Explain tutorials that appear later in this manual. (If these have not been done, you might want to install the rh-postgresql-test package and run the regression tests now.) Refer to the Red Hat Database Getting Started / Installation Guide for details.)

Configuring Visual Explain's Operation

  1. On the Edit menu, click on Configuration. The Configure window appears.

    If you want, change the settings for:

  2. Click on the Display tab. The Display settings appear.

    If you want, you can change the following settings:

  3. Click on the Databases tab. The Databases settings appear.

    If you want, you can enable Save Database Passwords.

    Visual Explain stores database connection information that can include a database password. However, if you save your password, that password is saved in the Visual Explain configuration file in plain text.

    How you configure a connection to a database is described in the next section.

Configuring a Connection to a Database

  1. If the Databases tab of the Configure window is not currently being displayed, on the Edit menu, click on Configuration, then click on the Databases tab.

  2. On the Databases tab, click on New. The New Database window appears.

  3. Fill in the fields on the New Database window:

  4. Click Test on the New Database window.

NoteModifying or Copying an Existing Database Connection

Modifying or copying an existing database connection is a similar to creating a new connection.

  • To modify an existing database connection, select the database connection you want to copy, then click on Edit rather than New.

  • To copy an existing database connection, select the database connection you want to edit, then click on Copy. A connection called Copy 1 of connection_name appears at the bottom of the list of connections. Select the Copy 1 of connection_name and click Edit and make the required changes.

Deleting a Connection to a Database

  1. On the Edit menu, click on Configuration. The Configure window appears.

  2. Click on the Databases tab.

  3. Select the database connection you want to delete, then click on Delete.