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11.2.3. Restarting the Service

There are three different ways to restart the running httpd service:
  1. To restart the service completely, type:
    ~]# service httpd restart
    Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
    Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
    This will stop the running httpd service, and then start it again. Use this command after installing or removing a dynamically loaded module such as PHP.
  2. To only reload the configuration, type:
    ~]# service httpd reload
    This will cause the running httpd service to reload the configuration file. Note that any requests being currently processed will be interrupted, which may cause a client browser to display an error message or render a partial page.
  3. To reload the configuration without affecting active requests, type:
    ~]# service httpd graceful
    This will cause the running httpd service to reload the configuration file. Note that any requests being currently processed will use the old configuration.
Alternatively, you can use the Service Configuration utility as described in Section, “Restarting the Running Service”.