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Chapter 9. Installing using anaconda

9.1. The Text Mode Installation Program User Interface
9.2. The Graphical Installation Program User Interface
9.2.1. Screenshots during installation
9.2.2. A Note about Virtual Consoles
9.3. Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
9.4. Keyboard Configuration
9.5. Storage Devices
9.5.1. The Storage Devices Selection Screen
9.6. Setting the Hostname
9.6.1. Edit Network Connections
9.7. Time Zone Configuration
9.8. Set the Root Password
9.9. Assign Storage Devices
9.10. Initializing the Hard Disk
9.11. Upgrading an Existing System
9.11.1. The Upgrade Dialog
9.11.2. Upgrading Using the Installer
9.11.3. Upgrading Boot Loader Configuration
9.12. Disk Partitioning Setup
9.13. Encrypt Partitions
9.14. Creating a Custom Layout or Modifying the Default Layout
9.14.1. Create Storage
9.14.2. Adding Partitions
9.14.3. Create Software RAID
9.14.4. Create LVM Logical Volume
9.14.5. Recommended Partitioning Scheme
9.15. Write changes to disk
9.16. x86, AMD64, and Intel 64 Boot Loader Configuration
9.16.1. Advanced Boot Loader Configuration
9.16.2. Rescue Mode
9.16.3. Alternative Boot Loaders
9.17. Package Group Selection
9.17.1. Installing from Additional Repositories
9.17.2. Customizing the Software Selection
9.18. Installing Packages
9.19. Installation Complete
This chapter describes an installation using the graphical user interface of anaconda.

9.1. The Text Mode Installation Program User Interface

Important — Graphical Interface on the Installed System

Installing in text mode does not prevent you from using a graphical interface on your system once it is installed.
Apart from the graphical installer, anaconda also includes a text-based installer.
If one of the following situations occurs, the installation program uses text mode:
  • The installation system fails to identify the display hardware on your computer
  • You choose the text mode installation from the boot menu
While text mode installations are not explicitly documented, those using the text mode installation program can easily follow the GUI installation instructions. However, because text mode presents you with a simpler, more streamlined insatallation process, certain options that are available in graphical mode are not also available in text mode. These differences are noted in the description of the installation process in this guide, and include:
  • configuring advanced storage methods such as LVM, RAID, FCoE, zFCP, and iSCSI.
  • customizing the partition layout
  • customizing the bootloader layout
  • selecting packages during installation
  • configuring the installed system with Firstboot
If you choose to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux in text mode, you can still configure your system to use a graphical interface after installation. Refer to Section 35.3, “Switching to a Graphical Login” for instructions.