- cache file
- building, Scanning Disks for Volume Groups to Build the Cache File
- cluster environment, The Clustered Logical Volume Manager (CLVM), Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster
- definition, The Clustered Logical Volume Manager (CLVM)
- clvmd daemon, The Clustered Logical Volume Manager (CLVM)
- command line units, Using CLI Commands
- configuration examples, LVM Configuration Examples
- creating
- logical volume, Creating Linear Logical Volumes
- logical volume, example, Creating an LVM Logical Volume on Three Disks
- LVM volumes in a cluster, Creating LVM Volumes in a Cluster
- physical volumes, Creating Physical Volumes
- striped logical volume, example, Creating a Striped Logical Volume
- volume group, clustered, Creating Volume Groups in a Cluster
- volume groups, Creating Volume Groups
- creating LVM volumes
- overview, Logical Volume Creation Overview
- data relocation, online, Online Data Relocation
- deactivating volume groups, Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- exclusive on one node, Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- local node only, Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- device numbers
- major, Persistent Device Numbers
- minor, Persistent Device Numbers
- persistent, Persistent Device Numbers
- device path names, Using CLI Commands
- device scan filters, Controlling LVM Device Scans with Filters
- device size, maximum, Creating Volume Groups
- device special file directory, Creating Volume Groups
- display
- sorting output, Sorting LVM Reports
- displaying
- logical volumes, Displaying Logical Volumes, The lvs Command
- physical volumes, Displaying Physical Volumes, The pvs Command
- volume groups, Displaying Volume Groups, The vgs Command
- linear logical volume
- converting to mirrored, Changing Mirrored Volume Configuration
- creation, Creating Linear Logical Volumes
- definition, Linear Volumes
- logging, Logging
- logical volume
- administration, general, Logical Volume Administration
- changing parameters, Changing the Parameters of a Logical Volume Group
- creation, Creating Linear Logical Volumes
- creation example, Creating an LVM Logical Volume on Three Disks
- definition, Logical Volumes, LVM Logical Volumes
- displaying, Displaying Logical Volumes, Customized Reporting for LVM, The lvs Command
- exclusive access, Activating Logical Volumes on Individual Nodes in a Cluster
- extending, Growing Logical Volumes
- growing, Growing Logical Volumes
- linear, Creating Linear Logical Volumes
- local access, Activating Logical Volumes on Individual Nodes in a Cluster
- lvs display arguments, The lvs Command
- mirrored, Creating Mirrored Volumes
- reducing, Shrinking Logical Volumes
- removing, Removing Logical Volumes
- renaming, Renaming Logical Volumes
- resizing, Resizing Logical Volumes
- shrinking, Shrinking Logical Volumes
- snapshot, Creating Snapshot Volumes
- striped, Creating Striped Volumes
- lvchange command, Changing the Parameters of a Logical Volume Group
- lvconvert command, Changing Mirrored Volume Configuration
- lvcreate command, Creating Linear Logical Volumes
- lvdisplay command, Displaying Logical Volumes
- lvextend command, Growing Logical Volumes
- architecture overview, LVM Architecture Overview
- clustered, The Clustered Logical Volume Manager (CLVM)
- components, LVM Architecture Overview, LVM Components
- custom report format, Customized Reporting for LVM
- directory structure, Creating Volume Groups
- help, Using CLI Commands
- history, LVM Architecture Overview
- label, Physical Volumes
- logging, Logging
- logical volume administration, Logical Volume Administration
- physical volume administration, Physical Volume Administration
- physical volume, definition, Physical Volumes
- volume group, definition, Volume Groups
- LVM1, LVM Architecture Overview
- LVM2, LVM Architecture Overview
- lvmdiskscan command, Scanning for Block Devices
- lvreduce command, Resizing Logical Volumes, Shrinking Logical Volumes
- lvremove command, Removing Logical Volumes
- lvrename command, Renaming Logical Volumes
- lvs command, Customized Reporting for LVM, The lvs Command
- display arguments, The lvs Command
- lvscan command, Displaying Logical Volumes
- man page display, Using CLI Commands
- metadata
- backup, Logical Volume Backup, Backing Up Volume Group Metadata
- recovery, Recovering Physical Volume Metadata
- mirrored logical volume
- clustered, Creating a Mirrored LVM Logical Volume in a Cluster
- converting to linear, Changing Mirrored Volume Configuration
- creation, Creating Mirrored Volumes
- definition, Mirrored Logical Volumes
- failure policy, Mirrored Logical Volume Failure Policy
- failure recovery, Recovering from LVM Mirror Failure
- reconfiguration, Changing Mirrored Volume Configuration
- mirror_image_fault_policy configuration parameter, Mirrored Logical Volume Failure Policy
- mirror_log_fault_policy configuration parameter, Mirrored Logical Volume Failure Policy
- partition type, setting, Setting the Partition Type
- partitions
- multiple, Multiple Partitions on a Disk
- path names, Using CLI Commands
- persistent device numbers, Persistent Device Numbers
- physical extent
- preventing allocation, Preventing Allocation on a Physical Volume
- physical volume
- adding to a volume group, Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
- administration, general, Physical Volume Administration
- creating, Creating Physical Volumes
- definition, Physical Volumes
- display, The pvs Command
- displaying, Displaying Physical Volumes, Customized Reporting for LVM
- illustration, LVM Physical Volume Layout
- initializing, Initializing Physical Volumes
- layout, LVM Physical Volume Layout
- pvs display arguments, The pvs Command
- recovery, Replacing a Missing Physical Volume
- removing, Removing Physical Volumes
- removing from volume group, Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- removing lost volume, Removing Lost Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- resizing, Resizing a Physical Volume
- pvdisplay command, Displaying Physical Volumes
- pvmove command, Online Data Relocation
- pvremove command, Removing Physical Volumes
- pvresize command, Resizing a Physical Volume
- pvs command, Customized Reporting for LVM
- display arguments, The pvs Command
- pvscan command, Displaying Physical Volumes
- removing
- disk from a logical volume, Removing a Disk from a Logical Volume
- logical volume, Removing Logical Volumes
- physical volumes, Removing Physical Volumes
- renaming
- logical volume, Renaming Logical Volumes
- volume group, Renaming a Volume Group
- report format, LVM devices, Customized Reporting for LVM
- resizing
- logical volume, Resizing Logical Volumes
- physical volume, Resizing a Physical Volume
- rules.d directory, udev Integration with the Device Mapper
- scanning
- block devices, Scanning for Block Devices
- scanning devices, filters, Controlling LVM Device Scans with Filters
- snapshot logical volume
- creation, Creating Snapshot Volumes
- snapshot volume
- definition, Snapshot Volumes
- striped logical volume
- creation, Creating Striped Volumes
- creation example, Creating a Striped Logical Volume
- definition, Striped Logical Volumes
- extending, Extending a Striped Volume
- growing, Extending a Striped Volume
- verbose output, Using CLI Commands
- vgcfbackup command, Backing Up Volume Group Metadata
- vgcfrestore command, Backing Up Volume Group Metadata
- vgchange command, Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group
- vgcreate command, Creating Volume Groups, Creating Volume Groups in a Cluster
- vgdisplay command, Displaying Volume Groups
- vgexport command, Moving a Volume Group to Another System
- vgextend command, Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
- vgimport command, Moving a Volume Group to Another System
- vgmerge command, Combining Volume Groups
- vgmknodes command, Recreating a Volume Group Directory
- vgreduce command, Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- vgrename command, Renaming a Volume Group
- vgs command, Customized Reporting for LVM
- display arguments, The vgs Command
- vgscan command, Scanning Disks for Volume Groups to Build the Cache File
- vgsplit command, Splitting a Volume Group
- volume group
- activating, Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- administration, general, Volume Group Administration
- changing parameters, Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group
- combining, Combining Volume Groups
- creating, Creating Volume Groups
- creating in a cluster, Creating Volume Groups in a Cluster
- deactivating, Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- definition, Volume Groups
- displaying, Displaying Volume Groups, Customized Reporting for LVM, The vgs Command
- extending, Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
- growing, Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
- merging, Combining Volume Groups
- moving between systems, Moving a Volume Group to Another System
- reducing, Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- removing, Removing Volume Groups
- renaming, Renaming a Volume Group
- shrinking, Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- splitting, Splitting a Volume Group
- example procedure, Splitting a Volume Group
- vgs display arguments, The vgs Command