Compiler Plugin Support¶
There is some special support for using compiler plugins. You can set auto-compiler-plugins to true to enable this functionality.
autoCompilerPlugins := true
To use a compiler plugin, you either put it in your unmanaged library directory (lib/ by default) or add it as managed dependency in the plugin configuration. addCompilerPlugin is a convenience method for specifying plugin as the configuration for a dependency:
addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-tools.sxr" %% "sxr" % "0.2.7")
The compile and test-compile actions will use any compiler plugins found in the lib directory or in the plugin configuration. You are responsible for configuring the plugins as necessary. For example, Scala X-Ray requires the extra option:
// declare the main Scala source directory as the base directory
scalacOptions <<= (scalacOptions, scalaSource in Compile) { (options, base) =>
options :+ ("-Psxr:base-directory:" + base.getAbsolutePath)
You can still specify compiler plugins manually. For example:
scalacOptions += "-Xplugin:<path-to-sxr>/sxr-0.2.7.jar"
Continuations Plugin Example¶
Support for continuations in Scala 2.8 is implemented as a compiler plugin. You can use the compiler plugin support for this, as shown here.
autoCompilerPlugins := true
addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "continuations" % "2.8.1")
scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable"
Version-specific Compiler Plugin Example¶
Adding a version-specific compiler plugin can be done as follows:
autoCompilerPlugins := true
libraryDependencies <<= (scalaVersion, libraryDependencies) { (ver, deps) =>
deps :+ compilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "continuations" % ver)
scalacOptions += "-P:continuations:enable"