Console Project¶
The console-project task starts the Scala interpreter with access to your project definition and to sbt. Specifically, the interpreter is started up with these commands already executed:
import sbt._
import Process._
import Keys._
import <your-project-definition>._
import currentState._
import extracted._
For example, running external processes with sbt's process library (to be included in the standard library in Scala 2.9):
> "tar -zcvf project-src.tar.gz src" !
> "find project -name *.jar" !
> "cat build.sbt" #| "grep version" #> new File("sbt-version") !
> "grep -r null src" #|| "echo null-free" !
> uri("").toURL #> file("About.html") !
console-project can be useful for creating and modifying your build in the same way that the Scala interpreter is normally used to explore writing code. Note that this gives you raw access to your build. Think about what you pass to IO.delete, for example.
This task was especially useful in prior versions of sbt for showing the value of settings. It is less useful for this now that show <setting> prints the result of a setting or task and set can define an anonymous task at the command line.
Accessing settings¶
To get a particular setting, use the form:
> val value = get(<key> in <scope>)
> IO.delete( get(classesDirectory in Compile) )
Show current compile options:
> get(scalacOptions in Compile) foreach println
Show additionally configured repositories.
> get( resolvers ) foreach println
Evaluating tasks¶
To evaluate a task, use the form:
> val value = evalTask(<key> in <scope>, currentState)
Show all repositories, including defaults.
> evalTask( fullResolvers, currentState ) foreach println
Show the classpaths used for compilation and testing:
> evalTask( fullClasspath in Compile, currentState ).files foreach println
> evalTask( fullClasspath in Test, currentState ).files foreach println
Show the remaining commands to be executed in the build (more interesting if you invoke console-project like ; console-project ; clean ; compile):
> remainingCommands
Show the number of currently registered commands:
> definedCommands.size