

By default, the run task runs in the same JVM as sbt. Forking is required under certain circumstances, however. Or, you might want to fork Java processes when implementing new tasks.

By default, a forked process uses the same Java and Scala versions being used for the build and the working directory and JVM options of the current process. This page discusses how to enable and configure forking for both run and test tasks. Each kind of task may be configured separately by scoping the relevant keys as explained below.

Enable forking

The fork setting controls whether forking is enabled (true) or not (false). It can be set in the run scope to only fork run commands or in the test scope to only fork test commands.

To fork all test tasks (test, test-only, and test-quick) and run tasks (run, run-main, test:run, and test:run-main),

fork := true

To enable forking run tasks only, set fork to true in the run scope.

fork in run := true

To only fork test:run and test:run-main:

fork in (Test,run) := true

Similarly, set fork in (Compile,run) := true to only fork the main run tasks. run and run-main share the same configuration and cannot be configured separately.

To enable forking all test tasks only, set fork to true in the test scope:

fork in test := true

See Testing for more control over how tests are assigned to JVMs and what options to pass to each group.

Change working directory

To change the working directory when forked, set baseDirectory in run or baseDirectory in test:

// sets the working directory for all `run`-like tasks
baseDirectory in run := file("/path/to/working/directory/")

// sets the working directory for `run` and `run-main` only
baseDirectory in (Compile,run) := file("/path/to/working/directory/")

// sets the working directory for `test:run` and `test:run-main` only
baseDirectory in (Test,run) := file("/path/to/working/directory/")

// sets the working directory for `test`, `test-quick`, and `test-only`
baseDirectory in test := file("/path/to/working/directory/")

Forked JVM options

To specify options to be provided to the forked JVM, set javaOptions:

javaOptions in run += "-Xmx8G"

or specify the configuration to affect only the main or test run tasks:

javaOptions in (Test,run) += "-Xmx8G"

or only affect the test tasks:

javaOptions in test += "-Xmx8G"

Java Home

Select the Java installation to use by setting the java-home directory:

javaHome := file("/path/to/jre/")

Note that if this is set globally, it also sets the Java installation used to compile Java sources. You can restrict it to running only by setting it in the run scope:

javaHome in run := file("/path/to/jre/")

As with the other settings, you can specify the configuration to affect only the main or test run tasks or just the test tasks.

Configuring output

By default, forked output is sent to the Logger, with standard output logged at the Info level and standard error at the Error level. This can be configured with the output-strategy setting, which is of type OutputStrategy.

// send output to the build's standard output and error
outputStrategy := Some(StdoutOutput)

// send output to the provided OutputStream `someStream`
outputStrategy := Some(CustomOutput(someStream: OutputStream))

// send output to the provided Logger `log` (unbuffered)
outputStrategy := Some(LoggedOutput(log: Logger))

// send output to the provided Logger `log` after the process terminates
outputStrategy := Some(BufferedOutput(log: Logger))

As with other settings, this can be configured individually for main or test run tasks.

Configuring Input

By default, the standard input of the sbt process is not forwarded to the forked process. To enable this, configure the connectInput setting:

connectInput in run := true

Direct Usage

To fork a new Java process, use the Fork API. The methods of interest are, Fork.javac, Fork.scala, and Fork.scalac. See the ForkJava and ForkScala classes for the arguments and types.