Global Settings¶
Basic global configuration file¶
Settings that should be applied to all projects can go in ~/.sbt/global.sbt (or any file in ~/.sbt/ with a .sbt extension). Plugins that are defined globally in ~/.sbt/plugins are available to these settings. For example, to change the default shellPrompt for your projects:
shellPrompt := { state =>
"sbt (%s)> ".format(Project.extract(state)
Global Settings using a Global Plugin¶
The ~/.sbt/plugins directory is a global plugin project. This can be used to provide global commands, plugins, or other code.
To add a plugin globally, create ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt containing the dependency definitions. For example:
addSbtPlugin("org.example" % "plugin" % "1.0")
To change the default shellPrompt for every project using this approach, create a local plugin ~/.sbt/plugins/ShellPrompt.scala:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object ShellPrompt extends Plugin {
override def settings = Seq(
shellPrompt := { state =>
"sbt (%s)> ".format(Project.extract(state) }
The ~/.sbt/plugins directory is a full project that is included as an external dependency of every plugin project. In practice, settings and code defined here effectively work as if they were defined in a project's project/ directory. This means that ~/.sbt/plugins can be used to try out ideas for plugins such as shown in the shellPrompt example.