Using Plugins¶
Please read the earlier pages in the Getting Started Guide first, in particular you need to understand build.sbt, library dependencies, and .scala build definition before reading this page.
What is a plugin?¶
A plugin extends the build definition, most commonly by adding new settings. The new settings could be new tasks. For example, a plugin could add a code-coverage task which would generate a test coverage report.
Adding a plugin¶
The short answer¶
If your project is in directory hello, edit hello/project/build.sbt and add the plugin location as a resolver, then call addSbtPlugin with the plugin's Ivy module ID:
resolvers += Classpaths.typesafeResolver
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.0.0")
If the plugin were located on one of the default repositories, you wouldn't have to add a resolver, of course.
Global plugins¶
Plugins can be installed for all your projects at once by dropping them in ~/.sbt/plugins/. ~/.sbt/plugins/ is an sbt project whose classpath is exported to all sbt build definition projects. Roughly speaking, any .sbt files in ~/.sbt/plugins/ behave as if they were in the project/ directory for all projects, and any .scala files in ~/.sbt/plugins/project/ behave as if they were in the project/project/ directory for all projects.
You can create ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt and put addSbtPlugin() expressions in there to add plugins to all your projects at once.
How it works¶
Be sure you understand the recursive nature of sbt projects described earlier and how to add a managed dependency.
Dependencies for the build definition¶
Adding a plugin means adding a library dependency to the build definition. To do that, you edit the build definition for the build definition.
Recall that for a project hello, its build definition project lives in hello/*.sbt and hello/project/*.scala:
hello/ # your project's base directory
build.sbt # build.sbt is part of the source code for the
# build definition project inside project/
project/ # base directory of the build definition project
Build.scala # a source file in the project/ project,
# that is, a source file in the build definition
If you wanted to add a managed dependency to project hello, you would add to the libraryDependencies setting either in hello/*.sbt or hello/project/*.scala.
You could add this in hello/build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.derby" % "derby" % "" % "test"
If you add that and start up the sbt interactive mode and type show dependency-classpath, you should see the derby jar on your classpath.
To add a plugin, do the same thing but recursed one level. We want the build definition project to have a new dependency. That means changing the libraryDependencies setting for the build definition of the build definition.
The build definition of the build definition, if your project is hello, would be in hello/project/*.sbt and hello/project/project/*.scala.
The simplest "plugin" has no special sbt support; it's just a jar file. For example, edit hello/project/build.sbt and add this line:
libraryDependencies += "net.liftweb" % "lift-json" % "2.0"
Now, at the sbt interactive prompt, reload plugins to enter the build definition project, and try show dependency-classpath. You should see the lift-json jar on the classpath. This means: you could use classes from lift-json in your Build.scala or build.sbt to implement a task. You could parse a JSON file and generate other files based on it, for example. Remember, use reload return to leave the build definition project and go back to the parent project.
(Stupid sbt trick: type reload plugins over and over. You'll find yourself in the project rooted in project/project/project/project/project/project/. Don't worry, it isn't useful. Also, it creates target directories all the way down, which you'll have to clean up.)
addSbtPlugin is just a convenience method. Here's its definition:
def addSbtPlugin(dependency: ModuleID): Setting[Seq[ModuleID]] =
libraryDependencies <+= (sbtVersion in update,scalaVersion) { (sbtV, scalaV) =>
sbtPluginExtra(dependency, sbtV, scalaV)
Remember from more about settings that <+= combines <<= and +=, so this builds a value based on other settings, and then appends it to libraryDependencies. The value is based on sbtVersion in update (sbt's version scoped to the update task) and scalaVersion (the version of scala used to compile the project, in this case used to compile the build definition). sbtPluginExtra adds the sbt and Scala version information to the module ID.
Some people like to list plugin dependencies (for a project hello) in hello/project/plugins.sbt to avoid confusion with hello/build.sbt. sbt does not care what .sbt files are called, so both build.sbt and project/plugins.sbt are conventions. sbt does of course care where the sbt files are located. hello/*.sbt would contain dependencies for hello and hello/project/*.sbt would contain dependencies for hello's build definition.
Plugins can add settings and imports automatically¶
In one sense a plugin is just a jar added to libraryDependencies for the build definition; you can then use the jar from build definition code as in the lift-json example above.
However, jars intended for use as sbt plugins can do more.
If you download a plugin jar (here's one for sbteclipse) and unpack it with jar xf, you'll see that it contains a text file sbt/sbt.plugins. In sbt/sbt.plugins there's an object name on each line like this:
com.typesafe.sbteclipse.SbtEclipsePlugin is the name of an object that extends sbt.Plugin. The sbt.Plugin trait is very simple:
trait Plugin {
def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Nil
sbt looks for objects listed in sbt/sbt.plugins. When it finds com.typesafe.sbteclipse.SbtEclipsePlugin, it adds com.typesafe.sbteclipse.SbtEclipsePlugin.settings to the settings for the project. It also does import com.typesafe.sbteclipse.SbtEclipsePlugin._ for any .sbt files, allowing a plugin to provide values, objects, and methods to .sbt files in the build definition.
Adding settings manually from a plugin¶
If a plugin defines settings in the settings field of a Plugin object, you don't have to do anything to add them.
However, plugins often avoid this because you could not control which projects in a multi-project build would use the plugin.
A whole batch of settings can be added by directly referencing the sequence of settings in a build.sbt file. So, if a plugin has something like this:
object MyPlugin extends Plugin {
val myPluginSettings = Seq(settings in here)
You could add all those settings in build.sbt with this syntax:
Creating a plugin¶
After reading this far, you pretty much know how to create an sbt plugin as well. There's one trick to know; set sbtPlugin := true in build.sbt. If sbtPlugin is true, the project will scan its compiled classes for instances of Plugin, and list them in sbt/sbt.plugins when it packages a jar. sbtPlugin := true also adds sbt to the project's classpath, so you can use sbt APIs to implement your plugin.
Learn more about creating a plugin at Plugins and Plugins Best Practices.
Available Plugins¶
There's a list of available plugins.
Some especially popular plugins are:
- those for IDEs (to import an sbt project into your IDE)
- those supporting web frameworks, such as xsbt-web-plugin.
Move on to multi-project builds.