Interactive mode¶
By default, sbt's interactive mode is started when no commands are provided on the command line or when the shell command is invoked.
Use tab completion¶
As the name suggests, tab completion is invoked by hitting the tab key. Suggestions are provided that can complete the text entered to the left of the current cursor position. Any part of the suggestion that is unambiguous is automatically appended to the current text. Commands typically support tab completion for most of their syntax.
As an example, entering tes and hitting tab:
> tes<TAB>
results in sbt appending a t:
> test
To get further completions, hit tab again:
> test<TAB>
test-frameworks test-listeners test-loader test-only test-options test:
Now, there is more than one possibility for the next character, so sbt prints the available options. We will select test-only and get more suggestions by entering the rest of the command and hitting tab twice:
> test-only<TAB><TAB>
-- sbt.DagSpecification sbt.EmptyRelationTest sbt.KeyTest sbt.RelationTest sbt.SettingsTest
The first tab inserts an unambiguous space and the second suggests names of tests to run. The suggestion of -- is for the separator between test names and options provided to the test framework. The other suggestions are names of test classes for one of sbt's modules. Test name suggestions require tests to be compiled first. If tests have been added, renamed, or removed since the last test compilation, the completions will be out of date until another successful compile.
Show more tab completion suggestions¶
Some commands have different levels of completion. Hitting tab multiple times increases the verbosity of completions. (Presently, this feature is only used by the set command.)
Show JLine keybindings¶
Both the Scala and sbt command prompts use JLine for interaction. The Scala REPL contains a :keybindings command to show many of the keybindings used for JLine. For sbt, this can be used by running one of the console commands (console, console-quick, or console-project) and then running :keybindings. For example:
> console-project
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
scala> :keybindings
Reading jline properties for default key bindings.
Accuracy not guaranteed: treat this as a guideline only.
1 CTRL-A: move to the beginning of the line
2 CTRL-B: move to the previous character
Modify the default JLine keybindings¶
JLine, used by both Scala and sbt, uses a configuration file for many of its keybindings. The location of this file can be changed with the system property jline.keybindings. The default keybindings file is included in the sbt launcher and may be used as a starting point for customization.
Configure the prompt string¶
By default, sbt only displays > ` to prompt for a command. This can be changed through the ``shellPrompt` setting, which has type State => String. State contains all state for sbt and thus provides access to all build information for use in the prompt string.
// set the prompt (for this build) to include the project id.
shellPrompt in ThisBuild := { state => Project.extract(state).currentRef.project + "> " }
// set the prompt (for the current project) to include the username
shellPrompt := { state => System.getProperty("") + "> " }
Use history¶
Interactive mode remembers history even if you exit sbt and restart it. The simplest way to access history is to press the up arrow key to cycle through previously entered commands. Use Ctrl+r to incrementally search history backwards. The following commands are supported:
- ! Show history command help.
- !! Execute the previous command again.
- !: Show all previous commands.
- !:n Show the last n commands.
- !n Execute the command with index n, as shown by the !: command.
- !-n Execute the nth command before this one.
- !string Execute the most recent command starting with 'string'
- !?string Execute the most recent command containing 'string'
Change the location of the interactive history file¶
By default, interactive history is stored in the target/ directory for the current project (but is not removed by a clean). History is thus separate for each subproject. The location can be changed with the historyPath setting, which has type Option[File]. For example, history can be stored in the root directory for the project instead of the output directory:
historyPath <<= baseDirectory(t => Some(t / ".history"))
The history path needs to be set for each project, since sbt will use the value of historyPath for the current project (as selected by the project command).
The previous section describes how to configure the location of the history file. This setting can be used to share the interactive history among all projects in a build instead of using a different history for each project. The way this is done is to set historyPath to be the same file, such as a file in the root project's target/ directory:
historyPath <<=
(target in LocalRootProject) { t =>
Some(t / ".history")
The in LocalRootProject part means to get the output directory for the root project for the build.
Disable interactive history¶
If, for whatever reason, you want to disable history, set historyPath to None in each project it should be disabled in:
historyPath := None
Run commands before entering interactive mode¶
Interactive mode is implemented by the shell command. By default, the shell command is run if no commands are provided to sbt on the command line. To run commands before entering interactive mode, specify them on the command line followed by shell. For example,
$ sbt clean compile shell
This runs clean and then compile before entering the interactive prompt. If either clean or compile fails, sbt will exit without going to the prompt. To enter the prompt whether or not these initial commands succeed, prepend -shell, which means to run shell if any command fails. For example,
$ sbt -shell clean compile shell
- Interactive mode
- Use tab completion
- Show more tab completion suggestions
- Show JLine keybindings
- Modify the default JLine keybindings
- Configure the prompt string
- Use history
- Change the location of the interactive history file
- Use the same history for all projects
- Disable interactive history
- Run commands before entering interactive mode