(\) left matrix division.
Backslash is the left matrix division:
is a solution to A*X=B
If A
is square and non-singular X=A\B
equivalent to X=inv(A)*B
in exact arithmetic,
but the computations are more accurate and cheaper in floating point arithmetic.
Hence, to compute the solution of the linear system of equations A*X=B
the backslash operator should be used, and the inv
should be avoided.
In the case where A
is square, the solution X
can be computed
either from LU factorization or from a linear least squares solver.
If the condition number of A
is smaller than 1/(10*%eps)
(i.e. if A
is well conditioned),
the LU factorization with row pivoting is used.
If not (i.e. if A
is poorly conditioned), then X
is the minimum-norm solution which
minimizes ||A*X-B||
using a complete
orthogonal factorization of A
(i.e. X
is the solution of a linear least squares problem).
If A
is not square, X
is a least square solution,
i.e. norm(A*X-B)
is minimal (Euclidean norm). If A
is full
column rank, the least square solution, X=A\B
, is uniquely
defined (there is a unique X
which minimizes norm(A*X-B)
If A
is not full column rank, then the least square
solution is not unique, and X=A\B
, in general, is not the solution
with minimum norm (the minimum norm solution is X=pinv(A)*B
is the matrix with (i,j)
entry A(i,j)\B(i,j)
If A
(or B
) is a scalar A.\B
is equivalent to
(or A.\(B*ones(A))
is an operator with no predefined meaning. It may be used
to define a new operator (see overloading) with
the same precedence as *
or /
A=[ 9. -36. 30. -36. 192. -180. 30. -180. 180. ]; b=[ 3. -24. 30. ]; x=A\b A*x-b // close to zero A=rand(3,2); b=[1;1;1]; x=A\b; y=pinv(A)*b; x-y A=rand(2,3);b=[1;1]; x=A\b; y=pinv(A)*b; x-y, A*x-b, A*y-b // if rank is deficient A=rand(3,1)*rand(1,2); b=[1;1;1]; x=A\b; y=pinv(A)*b; A*x-b, A*y-b A=rand(2,1)*rand(1,3); b=[1;1]; x=A\b; y=pinv(A)*b; A*x-b, A*y-b // A benchmark of several linear solvers [A,descr,ref,mtype] = ReadHBSparse(SCI+.. "/modules/umfpack/examples/bcsstk24.rsa"); b = zeros(size(A,1),1); tic(); res = umfpack(A,'\',b); mprintf('\nTime with umfpack: %.3f\n',toc()); tic(); res = linsolve(A,b); mprintf('\ntime with linsolve: %.3f\n',toc()); tic(); res = A\b; mprintf('\ntime with backslash: %.3f\n',toc());
See Also
Version | Description |
5.4.1 | The threshold level for conditioning in blackslash increased. |
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