( ) left and right parenthesis
(expression) [...]=func(e1,e2,...) [x1,x2,...]=(e1,e2,...) x(i,j) v(i) [...]=l(i)
- x
matrix of any possible type
- v
row or column vector of any possible type
- l
list variable
- func
any function name
- e1,e2,...
any possible type expression
Left and right parenthesis are used to
* specify evaluation order within expressions;
* form right-hand-side functions argument list. Within multiple rhs arguments must be separated by comma;
* select elements within vectors, matrices and lists. See help on extraction and insertion for more precisions;
is equivalent to first performing
%t_1 = e1, %t_2 = e2, ...
, and then
x1 = %t_1, x2 = %t_2, ...
, where the
variables %t_i, i = 1, 2, ...
are invisible to the user.
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