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Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions > Bitwise operations > bitcmp


bitwise complement


y = bitcmp(x)
y = bitcmp(x, bitnum)


x :

a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm hypermatrix of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of unsigned integers (uint8, uint16 or uint32). Must contain positive integer values.

bitnum :

a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm hypermatrix of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of unsigned integers (uint8, uint16 or uint32). The input n must be in the range 1, 2, ..., bitmax where bitmax is the maximum number of bits in x. bitnum must contain positive integer values. The default value for bitnum is bitmax.

y :

a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm hypermatrix of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of unsigned integers.


Given an unsigned integer x, this function returns the unsigned integer y which is the integer corresponding to the complementary of the binary form of x.

The integer bitnum sets the maximum number of bits.

If the bits number of the x binary representation is less than the bitmax number (8,16 or 32) then the bits '1' are added to the complementary in order to have bitmax number (8, 16 or 32) for the complementary.

If only one input argument is given, x must be a matrix of unsigned integers.


// 13 is (1101)_2
// We insert zeros in the beginning to get a 8-bit number:
// (00001101)_2
// The 8-bits complement is then (11110010)_2
// which is 242
expected = 242

// The input argument can be an unsigned int
expected = 156
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:27:33 CEST 2016