Scilab 6.0.0
- Scilab Help
- Scilab
- Differential calculus, Integration
- Elementary Functions
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolation
- Control Systems - CACSD
- Polynomials
- Signal Processing
- Special Functions
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage (ARPACK binding)
- Statistics
- Sparse Matrix
- UMFPACK Interface (sparse)
- Optimization and Simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- XML Management
- HDF5 Management
- Files : Input/Output functions
- Input/Output functions
- Graphics
- Graphics : exporting and printing
- Data Structures
- Parameters
- Boolean
- Integers
- Strings
- Sound file handling
- Time and Date
- Output functions
- Xcos
- Spreadsheet
- Console
- History manager
- Matlab binary files I/O
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Compatibility Functions
- Advanced functions
- Development tools
- Demo Tools
- Dynamic/incremental Link
- Tcl/Tk Interface
- Text editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Online help management
- Parallel
- Modules manager
- Localization
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API (Scilab engine)
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- Java from Scilab
- Java Interface
- Preferences
- Scilab code coverage
- Lint tool (SLint)
- Windows tools
Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions
Elementary Functions
- Bitwise operations
- Complex
- Discrete mathematics
- Elementary matrices
- diag — diagonal including or extracting
- empty — ([]) empty matrix
- eye — identity matrix
- ind2sub — linear index to matrix subscript values
- linspace — linearly spaced vector
- logspace — logarithmically spaced vector
- meshgrid — create matrices or 3-D arrays
- ndgrid — build matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
- ones — matrix made of ones
- rand — Random numbers
- squarewave — generates a square wave with period 2*%pi
- sub2ind — matrix subscript values to linear index
- testmatrix — generate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Franck
- toeplitz — Toeplitz matrix
- zeros — matrix made of zeros
- Log - exp - power
- exp — element-wise exponential
- expm — square matrix exponential
- log — natural logarithm
- log10 — base 10 logarithm
- log1p — computes with accuracy the natural logarithm of its argument added by one
- log2 — base 2 logarithm
- logm — square matrix logarithm
- polar — polar form
- power — (^,.^) power operation
- sqrt — square root
- sqrtm — matrix square root
- Floating point
- ceil — round up
- clean — cleans matrices (round to zero small entries)
- double — converts inttype integers or booleans into decimal encoding
- fix — round towards zero
- floor — round down
- format — number printing and display format
- frexp — dissect floating-point numbers into base 2 exponent and mantissa
- ieee — set floating point exception mode
- int — round towards zero
- isinf — check for infinite entries
- isnan — check for "Not a Number" entries
- nearfloat — get previous or next floating-point number
- nextpow2 — next higher power of 2.
- number_properties — determine floating-point parameters
- round — round to nearest integer
- Radix conversions
- base2dec — convert from base b to decimal
- bin2dec — convert from binary to decimal
- dec2base — Convert decimal to base N number in string
- dec2bin — convert from decimal to binary
- dec2hex — convert from decimal to hexadecimal
- dec2oct — convert from decimal to octal
- hex2dec — convert from hexadecimal to decimal
- oct2dec — convert from octal to decimal
- Matrix manipulation
- flipdim — reverses the order of (blocs of) rows, columns, pages.. of a matrix or hypermatrix
- matrix — reshape a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix
- permute — permute the dimensions of an array
- pertrans — Transposition with reference to the 2nd diagonal
- repmat — Replicate and tile an array
- resize_matrix — trim or/and extend (and cast) a matrix or hypermatrix
- squeeze — removes singleton dimensions of a hypermatrix
- Matrix operations
- abs — absolute value, magnitude
- cross — vector cross product
- cumprod — cumulative product of array elements
- cumsum — cumulative sum of array elements
- kron — Kronecker product (.*.)
- max — maximum
- min — minimum
- norm — matrix norm
- prod — product of array elements
- signm — matrix signum function
- sum — sum of array elements
- tril — lower triangular part of matrix
- triu — upper triangle
- Search and sort
- dsearch — distribute, locate and count elements of a matrix or hypermatrix in given categories
- find — find indices of boolean vector or matrix true elements
- gsort — sorting by quick sort algorithm
- vectorfind — finds in a matrix rows or columns matching a vector
- Set operations
- intersect — returns the vector of common values of two vectors
- members — count (and locate) in an array each element or row or column of another array
- setdiff — returns components of a vector which do not belong to another one
- union — extract union components of a vector
- unique — remove all duplicate components of a vector or a matrix
- Signal processing
- Trigonometry
- acos — element wise cosine inverse (radians)
- acosd — element wise cosine inverse, result in degree.
- acosh — hyperbolic cosine inverse
- acoshm — matrix hyperbolic inverse cosine
- acosm — matrix wise cosine inverse
- acot — computes the element-wise inverse cotangent of the argument.
- acotd — computes the element-wise inverse cotangent of the argument, result in degree.
- acoth — element wise hyperbolic cotangent inverse.
- acsc — computes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument.
- acscd — computes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument, results in degree.
- acsch — computes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
- asec — computes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument.
- asecd — computes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument, results in degree.
- asech — computes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic secant of the argument.
- asin — sine inverse (radians)
- asind — sine inverse, results in degree
- asinh — hyperbolic sine inverse
- asinhm — matrix hyperbolic inverse sine
- asinm — matrix wise sine inverse
- atan — 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant inverse tangent
- atand — 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant element-wise inverse tangent, result in degree
- atanh — hyperbolic tangent inverse
- atanhm — matrix hyperbolic tangent inverse
- atanm — square matrix tangent inverse
- cos — cosine function
- cosd — element-wise cosine function, argument in degree
- cosh — hyperbolic cosine
- coshm — matrix hyperbolic cosine
- cosm — matrix cosine function
- cotd — element-wise cotangent function, argument in degree
- cotg — cotangent
- coth — hyperbolic cotangent
- cothm — matrix hyperbolic cotangent
- csc — сomputes the element-wise cosecant of the argument
- cscd — сomputes the element-wise cosecant of the argument given in degree
- csch — Computes the element-wise hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
- csgn — returns the sign of a vector of real of complex values
- sec — computes the element-wise secant of the argument
- secd — computes the element-wise secant of the argument given in degree
- sech — computes the element-wise hyperbolic secant of the argument
- sin — sine function
- sinc — sinc function
- sind — sine function, argument in degree.
- sinh — hyperbolic sine
- sinhm — matrix hyperbolic sine
- sinm — matrix sine function
- tan — tangent
- tand — tangent, argument in degree.
- tanh — hyperbolic tangent
- tanhm — matrix hyperbolic tangent
- tanm — matrix tangent
- and — logical AND between the elements of a boolean or numerical array
- & — logical AND operator
- cat — concatenate several arrays
- cell2mat — converts a cell array into a matrix
- cellstr — converts strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell array of strings
- iscolumn — check if a variable is a column
- isempty — check if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list
- isequal — objects comparison
- ismatrix — check if a variable is a matrix
- isrow — check if a variable is a row
- isscalar — check if a variable is a scalar.
- issquare — check if a variable is a square matrix
- isvector — check if a variable is a vector
- lstsize — list, tlist, mlist numbers of entries
- pmodulo — positive euclidian remainder modulo m
- ndims — number of dimensions of an array
- nthroot — Real nth root of real numbers
- num2cell — converts an array into a cell array
- or — logical OR over the elements of a boolean or numerical array
- | — logical OR operator
- sign — signum function
- size — size of objects
- unwrap — unwrap a Y(x) profile or a Z(x,y) surface. Unfold a Y(x) profile
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