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Scilab Help >> Signal Processing > Filters > faurre


filter computation by simple Faurre algorithm





number of iterations.

H, F, G

estimated triple from the covariance sequence of y.




solution of the Riccati equation after n iterations.

R, T

gain matrix of the filter.


This function computes iteratively the minimal solution of the algebraic Riccati equation and gives the matrices R and T of the filter model. The algorithm tries to compute the solution P as the growing limit of a sequence of matrices Pn such that

Pn+1=F*Pn*F'+(G-F*Pn*h')*(R0-H*Pn*H')  *(G'-H*Pn*F')
P0=G*R0 *G'

Note that this method may not converge,especially when F has poles near the unit circle. Use preferably the srfaur function.

See Also

  • srfaur — square-root algorithm
  • lindquist — Lindquist's algorithm
  • phc — Markovian representation
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:27:36 CEST 2016