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Scilab Help >> Signal Processing > Filters


  • analpfcreate analog low-pass filter
  • buttmagPower transmission of a Butterworth filter
  • casccascade realization of filter from coefficients
  • cheb1magresponse of Chebyshev type 1 filter
  • cheb2magresponse of type 2 Chebyshev filter
  • convolconvolution
  • ell1magmagnitude of elliptic filter
  • eqfirminimax approximation of FIR filter
  • eqiirDesign of iir filters
  • faurrefilter computation by simple Faurre algorithm
  • ffiltcoefficients of FIR low-pass
  • filt_sincsamples of sinc function
  • filterfilters a data sequence using a digital filter
  • find_freqparameter compatibility for elliptic filter design
  • frmagmagnitude of FIR and IIR filters
  • fsfirlindesign of FIR, linear phase filters, frequency sampling technique
  • groupgroup delay for digital filter
  • hilbertDiscrete-time analytic signal computation of a real signal using Hilbert transform
  • iiriir digital filter
  • iirgroupgroup delay Lp IIR filter optimization
  • iirlpLp IIR filter optimization
  • kalmKalman update
  • levYule-Walker equations (Levinson's algorithm)
  • levinToeplitz system solver by Levinson algorithm (multidimensional)
  • lindquistLindquist's algorithm
  • remezRemez exchange algorithm for the weighted chebyshev approximation of a continuous function with a sum of cosines.
  • remezbMinimax approximation of magnitude response
  • srfaursquare-root algorithm
  • srkfsquare root Kalman filter
  • sskfsteady-state Kalman filter
  • syrediDesign of iir filters, syredi code interface
  • systemobservation update
  • translow-pass to other filter transform
  • wfirlinear-phase FIR filters
  • wfir_guiGraphical user interface that can be used to interactively design wfir filters
  • wienerWiener estimate
  • wigner'time-frequency' wigner spectrum
  • windowcompute symmetric window of various type
  • yulewalkleast-square filter design
  • zpbuttButterworth analog filter
  • zpch1Chebyshev analog filter
  • zpch2Chebyshev analog filter
  • zpelllowpass elliptic filter
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:27:36 CEST 2016