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Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions > Elementary matrices

Elementary matrices

  • diagdiagonal including or extracting
  • empty([]) empty matrix
  • eyeidentity matrix
  • ind2sublinear index to matrix subscript values
  • linspacelinearly spaced vector
  • logspacelogarithmically spaced vector
  • meshgridcreate matrices or 3-D arrays
  • ndgridbuild matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
  • onesmatrix made of ones
  • randRandom numbers
  • squarewavegenerates a square wave with period 2*%pi
  • sub2indmatrix subscript values to linear index
  • testmatrixgenerate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Franck
  • toeplitzToeplitz matrix
  • zerosmatrix made of zeros
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:27:33 CEST 2016