Scilab 6.0.0
- Scilab Help
- Elementary Functions
- Bitwise operations
- Complex
- Discrete mathematics
- Elementary matrices
- Log - exp - power
- Floating point
- Radix conversions
- Matrix manipulation
- Matrix operations
- Search and sort
- Set operations
- Signal processing
- Trigonometry
- and
- &
- cat
- cell2mat
- cellstr
- iscolumn
- isempty
- isequal
- ismatrix
- isrow
- isscalar
- issquare
- isvector
- lstsize
- modulo
- ndims
- nthroot
- num2cell
- or
- |
- sign
- size
- unwrap
Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions > Elementary matrices
Elementary matrices
- diag — diagonal including or extracting
- empty — ([]) empty matrix
- eye — identity matrix
- ind2sub — linear index to matrix subscript values
- linspace — linearly spaced vector
- logspace — logarithmically spaced vector
- meshgrid — create matrices or 3-D arrays
- ndgrid — build matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
- ones — matrix made of ones
- rand — Random numbers
- squarewave — generates a square wave with period 2*%pi
- sub2ind — matrix subscript values to linear index
- testmatrix — generate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Franck
- toeplitz — Toeplitz matrix
- zeros — matrix made of zeros
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