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Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > Gestion des couleurs > colordef


Set default color values to display different color schemes





a character string with possible value: 'white', 'black','none'


a handle on a graphic figure


  • colordef('white') sets the default figure (see gdf) colormap to jetcolormap(64), the default figure background color to light gray and the default axes (see gda) background color to white, the axes lines foreground and font color to black.

  • colordef('black') sets the default figure (see gdf) colormap to jetcolormap(64), the default figure background color to dark gray and the default axes (see gda) background color to black, the axes lines foreground and font color to white.

  • colordef('none') sets the default figure (see gdf) colormap to hsvcolormap(64), the default figure background color to dark gray and the default axes (see gda) background color to black, the axes lines foreground and font color to white.

  • colordef(f,color_scheme) sets the color properties of figure given by the handle f as well as the color properties of its current axes.

  • colordef('new',color_scheme) creates a new graphic window and its color properties as well as the properties of its axes.


See Also

  • gdf — Return handle of default figure.
  • gda — Return handle of default axes.
  • figure_properties — description of the graphics figure entity properties
  • axes_properties — description of the axes entity properties
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:06 CEST 2016