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Aide de Scilab >> Calcul différentiel, Intégration > int3d


definite 3D integral by quadrature and cubature method


[result,err]=int3d(X,Y,Z,f [,nf[,params]])



a 4 by NUMTET array containing the abscissae of the vertices of the NUMTET tetrahedrons.


a 4 by NUMTET array containing the ordinates of the vertices of the NUMTET tetrahedrons.


a 4 by NUMTET array containing the third coordinates of the vertices of the NUMTET tetrahedrons.


external (function or list or string) defining the integrand f(xyz,nf), where xyz is the vector of a point coordinates and nf is the number functions


the number of functions to integrate (default is 1)


a real vector [minpts, maxpts, epsabs, epsrel]. The default value is [0, 1000, 0.0, 1.d-5].


Desired bound on the absolute error.


Desired bound on the relative error.


Minimum number of function evaluations.


Maximum number of function evaluations. The number of function evaluations over each subregion is 43


the integral value or vector of the integral values.


estimates of absolute errors.


The function calculates an approximation to a given vector of definite integrals

I  I  I (F ,F ,...,F )      dx(3)dx(2)dx(1),
          1  2      numfun

where the region of integration is a collection of NUMTET tetrahedrons and where

F = F (X(1),X(2),X(3)), J = 1,2,...,NUMFUN.
 J   J

A globally adaptive strategy is applied in order to compute approximations result(k) hopefully satisfying, for each component of I, the following claim for accuracy: abs(I(k)-result(k))<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(I(k)))

int3d repeatedly subdivides the tetrahedrons with greatest estimated errors and estimates the integrals and the errors over the new subtetrahedrons until the error request is met or maxpts function evaluations have been used.

A 43 point integration rule with all evaluation points inside the tetrahedron is applied. The rule has polynomial degree 8.

If the values of the input parameters epsabs or epsrel are selected great enough, an integration rule is applied over each tetrahedron and the results are added up to give the approximations result(k). No further subdivision of the tetrahedrons will then be applied.

When int3d computes estimates to a vector of integrals, all components of the vector are given the same treatment. That is, I(Fj) and I(Fk) for j not equal to k, are estimated with the same subdivision of the region of integration. For integrals with enough similarity, we may save time by applying int3d to all integrands in one call. For integrals that varies continuously as functions of some parameter, the estimates produced by int3d will also vary continuously when the same subdivision is applied to all components. This will generally not be the case when the different components are given separate treatment.

On the other hand this feature should be used with caution when the different components of the integrals require clearly different subdivisions.


Fortran routine dcutet.f


// computes the integrand exp(x*x+y*y+z*z) over the 
//tetrahedron (0.,0.,0.),(1.,0.,0.),(0.,1.,0.),(0.,0.,1.)

//integration over a cube  -1<=x<=1;-1<=y<=1;-1<=z<=1

//  bottom  -top-     right    -left-   front   -rear- 
X=[ 0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0;          
   -1,-1,   -1,-1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1; 
    1,-1,    1,-1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,    1,-1,    1,-1;     
    1, 1,    1, 1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,    1, 1,    1, 1];         
Y=[ 0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0; 
   -1,-1,   -1,-1,   -1, 1,   -1, 1,   -1,-1,    1, 1;
   -1, 1,   -1, 1,    1, 1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,    1, 1;   
    1, 1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1,    1, 1]; 
Z=[ 0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0,    0, 0;
   -1,-1,    1, 1,   -1, 1,   -1, 1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1; 
   -1,-1,    1, 1,   -1,-1,   -1,-1,   -1, 1,   -1, 1;  
   -1,-1,    1, 1,    1, 1,    1, 1,    1, 1,    1, 1];      

function v=f(xyz, numfun),v=exp(xyz'*xyz),endfunction

function v=f(xyz, numfun),v=1,endfunction

See Also

  • intc — intégrale de Cauchy
  • intl — Cauchy integral
  • int2d — definite 2D integral by quadrature and cubature method
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:01 CEST 2016