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Aide de Scilab >> Calcul différentiel, Intégration > ode_root


ordinary differential equation solver with root finding


[y, rd, w, iw] = ode("root", y0, t0, t [,rtol [,atol]], f [,jac], ng, g [,w,iw])



a real vector or matrix (initial conditions).


a real scalar (initial time).


a real vector (times at which the solution is computed).


an external i.e. function or character string or list.

rtol, atol

a real constants or real vectors of the same size as y.


an external i.e. function or character string or list.


an integer.


an external i.e. function or character string or list.


a real vector or matrix. The solution.


a real vector.

w, iw

vectors of real numbers. See ode() optional output


With this syntax (first argument equal to "root") ode computes the solution of the differential equation dy/dt=f(t,y) until the state y(t) crosses the surface g(t,y)=0.

g should give the equation of the surface. It is an external i.e. a function with specified syntax, or the name of a Fortran subroutine or a C function (character string) with specified syntax or a list.

If g is a function the syntax should be as follows:

z = g(t,y)

where t is a real scalar (time) and y a real vector (state). It returns a vector of size ng which corresponds to the ng constraints. If g is a character string it refers to the name of a Fortran subroutine or a C function, with the following calling sequence: g(n,t,y,ng,gout) where ng is the number of constraints and gout is the value of g (output of the program). If g is a list the same conventions as for f apply (see ode help).

Output rd is a 1 x k vector. The first entry contains the stopping time. Other entries indicate which components of g have changed sign. k larger than 2 indicates that more than one surface ((k-1) surfaces) have been simultaneously traversed.

Other arguments and other options are the same as for ode, see the ode help.


// Integration of the differential equation
// dy/dt=y , y(0)=1, and finds the minimum time t such that y(t)=2


See Also

  • ode — solveur d'équations différentielles ordinaires
  • ode_optional_output — ode solvers optional outputs description
  • ode_discrete — ordinary differential equation solver, discrete time simulation
  • dasrt — DAE solver with zero crossing
  • daskr — solveur de DAE avec traversées de zéros
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Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:01 CEST 2016