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Aide de Scilab >> Xcos > Scilab/Xcos Data Structures > scicos_link


Define a link structure



Basic structure that define a xcos link.

Type : scilab tlist of type "Link" with fields : xx, yy, id, thick, ct, from and to.


Vector of x coordinates of the link path. A link is defined as a polyline line.

Size : number of points of the link.

Type : column vector of real numbers.


Vector of y coordinates of the link path. A link is defined as a polyline line.

Size : number of points of the link.

Type : column vector of real numbers.


Character string, the link identification.

Size : 1.

Type : string.


Vector of size two defining line thickness.

Size : 2.

Type : row vector of integers.


The first entry of this vector designates the color, and the second, the nature of the link. The second entry is 1 for a regular link, -1 for an activation link, and 2 for an implicit link.

Size : 2.

Type : row vector of integers.


Vector of size three including the block number, port number, and port type (0 for output, 1 for input) at the origin of the link. Note that the third entry may be 1 if the link is implicit; otherwise it is zero.

Size : 3.

Type : row vector of integers.


Vector of size three including the block number, port number, and port type (0 for output, 1 for input) at the destination of the link. Note that the third entry may be 0 if the link is implicit; otherwise it is one.

Size : 3.

Type : row vector of integers.


loadXcosLibs();              // load standard library

lnk = scicos_link();    // new specific block
tree_show(lnk);              // display it
lnk = scicos_link(), = "My_label"
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:31:22 CEST 2016